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Redemption & Certificates of Rehabilitation - 5. Registration of... (Voting/Housing/Pell Grants)

  • document cover for Relief in Sight? States Rethink the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction, 2009-2014

    Relief in Sight? States Rethink the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction, 2009-2014

    "For millions of Americans, the legal and life-restricting consequences of a criminal conviction continue even after they’ve repaid their debt to society as barriers to voting, housing, jobs, education, and a raft of social services limit their ability to provide for their families and successfully reenter society. In recognition of the damaging effects these collateral consequences can have, 41 states have enacted legislation since 2009 that allows certain individuals to move beyond their convictions. This report reviews that legislative activity...

  • State Identification: Reentry Strategies for State and Local Leaders (2016)

    National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) (New York, NY).
    "This fact sheet is designed to educate policymakers on the impact of, and models for, issuing state identification for people leaving prisons and jails across the country. State-issued identification is often required to secure housing, apply for employment, and access social services—all factors that can play a critical role in reentry."

  • FAQs: Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions (2015)

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

    These FAQs are issued by HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (“PIH”), Office of Housing, and Office of General Counsel to address questions raised by Notice PIH 2015-19 / H 2015-10, which was issued on November 2, 2015, and is entitled Guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Owners of Federally-Assisted Housing on Excluding the Use of Arrest Records in Housing Decisions.

  • Restoration of Rights

    Collateral Consequences Resource Center.

    This webpage contains national and state-specific resources on the restoration of rights, including pardon, judicial expungement and certificates and systemic relief provisions.

  • Certificates of Rehabilitation (2016)

    National Institute of Corrections Information Center.

    A list of states with certificates of rehabilitation (relief or recovery) and their established laws and processes.

  • 6 Million Lost Voters: State-Level Estimates of Felony Disenfranchisement (2016)

    The Sentencing Project.

    This report covers the scope and distribution of felony disenfranchisement in 2016, recent changes in policies, and restoration of civil rights in some states.

  • Reinstating Common Sense: How driver’s license suspensions for drug offenses unrelated to driving are falling out of favor (2016)

    Aiken, Joshua. Prison Policy Initiative.

    This articles discusses the impact a suspended driver’s license can have to reentry for anyone convicted of a drug crime.

  • Paper Reviews Recidivism Research to Help Housing Providers with Admissions Policies (2017)

    This paper published in Housing Policy Debate by Rebecca J. Walter, Jill Viglione and Marie Skubak Tillyer, One Strike to Second Chances: Using Criminal Backgrounds in Admission Decisions for Assisted Housing, reviews existing research on recidivism to provide fact-based information to housing providers on their use of criminal records in assisted housing admission decisions

  • Second Chance Reforms in 2017: Roundup of new expungement and restoration laws (2017)

    This report documents changes in state restoration laws in 2017, many of which are quite significant. It is based on research from the Restoration of Rights Project (RRP), an online resource maintained by the CCRC that catalogs and analyzes the restoration laws of all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and the federal system. Following an overview of 2017 reforms, specific changes to the law in each state are briefly described along with relevant citations.

  • The Many Roads to Reintegration A 50-State Report on Laws Restoring Rights and Opportunities After Arrest or Conviction (2020)

    The report covers voting and firearms rights, an array of record relief remedies such as expungement and pardon, and consideration of criminal record in employment and occupational licensing.

    In each section of the report we assign a grade to each state for each type of relief. We collate these grades to produce an overall ranking on the nine categories that we graded.

    The report considers remedies for three of the four main types of collateral consequences: loss of civil rights, dissemination of damaging record information, and loss of opportunities and benefits, notably in the workplace.