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The National Institute of Corrections is currently assessing its website and materials in accordance with recent Executive Orders and related guidance. During this review, some of NIC’s webpages and publications may be temporarily unavailable. Please revisit this web page for updates.

Christopher Smith

National Programs Advisor
Prisons Division
National Institute of Corrections

Christopher Smith has been working in the Corrections field for almost 20 years. His experience includes working in a private juvenile facility, a county jail, the Indiana Department of Corrections, and the Bureau of Prisons. Mr. Smith joined the Bureau of Prisons in June of 2008. His Bureau of Prison experiences include working as a Correctional Officer, Case Manager, Unit Manager, Case Management Coordinator (also permanently had Executive Assistant duties) and now as a National Programs Advisor at the NIC.

Mr. Smith only recently arrived at NIC as a National Programs Advisor. Since his arrival, he has begun assisting with both the Restricted Housing Video Project and Senior Leadership Competencies Project. He is currently researching future projects in the areas of bullying, mental health, and leadership.

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