Criminal Justice Coordinating Committees - CJCC Worksheets & Instructions
Numerical Application of the Water Barrel Concept - Jail ADP, Bookings, and Average Length of Stay
The purpose of this Excel workbook is to graphically demonstrate a very common but often misunderstood dynamic that exists in most jails in the United States. In most jurisdictions, there is a tendency for justice system decision-makers (including jail staff), in their attempts to lower the jail population because of crowding, to focus their attention on the high volume of inmates who are booked into the jail. However, even though a high volume of inmates of a certain type (e.g., persons charged with low-level traffic or misdemeanor crimes) are admitted, they almost always do not consume many jail beds because...
Identifying the Jail Subpopulation that Drives the Demand for Jail Beds: Inmates Released vs. Jail Beds Consumed, Sorted by Inmates' Average Length of Stay
The purpose of this Excel workbook is to graphically demonstrate a very common but often misunderstood dynamic that exists in most jails in the United States. In most jurisdictions, there is a tendency for justice system decision-makers (including jail staff), in their attempts to lower the jail population because of crowding, to focus their attention on the high volume of inmates who are booked into the jail. However, even though a high volume of inmates of a certain type (e.g., persons charged with low-level traffic or misdemeanor crimes) are admitted, they almost always do not consume many jail beds because...
Jail Information System's Data Fields Useful for Jail Population Analyses
The list below includes many of the fields that may be useful in a jail population analysis to help policymakers determine the average daily population, number of bookings, and/or average length of stay of various inmate subpopulations, as these policy-makers participate in the analysis phase of a policy planning process.