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Drugs & Substance Abuse in Corrections - Statistics

  • document preview for Determining the Impact of Opioid Substitution Therapy upon Mortality and Recidivism among Prisoners: A 22 Year Data Linkage Study

    Determining the Impact of Opioid Substitution Therapy upon Mortality and Recidivism among Prisoners: A 22 Year Data Linkage Study

    "Prisoners experience high rates of drug dependence, health problems and premature mortality. Without intervention, they often come into further contact with the criminal justice system, creating further health risk. Opioid dependence is common among prisoners, yet treatment with opioid substitution therapy (OST) may reduce or prevent morbidity, mortality and offending ... The results highlight that the prison setting provides an important opportunity to engage people in OST. Notably, OST treatment in prison and immediately post-release was found to be highly...

  • document cover Drug Offenders in Federal Prisons: Estimates of Characteristics Based on Linked Data

    Drug Offenders in Federal Prisons: Estimates of Characteristics Based on Linked Data

    This Special Report presents "a description of drug offenders in federal prison, including criminal history, demographics, gun involvement in the offense, and sentence imposed. The report examines each characteristics by type of drug involved in the offense. It also examines demographic information for the entire federally sentenced population and discusses alternative methods for defining drug offenders. Data are from a linked file created with data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and United States Sentencing Commission. Highlights: This study is...

  • document preview for Who Gets Time for Federal Drug Offenses? Data Trends and Opportunities for Reform

    Who Gets Time for Federal Drug Offenses? Data Trends and Opportunities for Reform

    "Almost half of the 195,809 federally sentenced individuals in the Bureau of Prisons are serving time for drug trafficking offenses, but little is known about their criminal histories or the nature of their offenses. This brief examines both, finding that many people in federal prison for drug crimes have minimal or no criminal histories, and most were not convicted of violent or leading roles. Nonetheless, many serve long prison sentences due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Lasting reductions in the...

  • New Numbers Reveal Huge Disparities in Opioid Prescribing (2017)

    MARTINSVILE, Va. - For most of the last decade, this once thriving city had the highest unemployment rate in Virginia. Its disability and poverty rates are consistently double the state average, and its population is aging.

    In July, the former textile and furniture manufacturing mecca earned another dubious distinction. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, its drugstores dispense the highest volume of opioid painkillers per capita in the nation.

    Using 2015 data from retail pharmacy receipts, the CDC for the first time reported the volume and potency of pain tablets sold in the nation’s drugstores and...

  • BJS - Drug Use, Dependence, And Abuse Among State Prisoners And Jail Inmates, 2007-2009 (2017)

    Presents prevalence estimates of drug use, drug use disorders, and participation in drug treatment programs among state prisoners and sentenced jail inmates, including trends in drug use over time by demographics and most serious offense, drug use at the time of offense and whether an inmate committed the offense to obtain drugs, and comparisons to the general population. Data are from BJS's National Inmate Survey, conducted in 2007 and 2008-09. Comparisons to the general population are based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Survey on Drug Use and Health, conducted in 2007, 2008, and 2009.


  • Statistics Related to Drugs, Research and Development, Heroin, Opioids, Drug Detection, Forensics, Toxicology, OR Evidence

    Drugs (BJS)
    Outlines types of drug-related crime, including possession, distribution and manufacture of drugs as well as other offenses stemming from drug use or addiction.

    National DNA Database Statistics (BJS)
    Describes the National DNA Index and provides the numbers of offender profiles, arrestees, forensic profiles, participating laboratories and investigations aided in each state.

    Office of National Drug Control Policy
    Collection of data sets on drug use among arrestees, drug control budgets, and drug availability.

    Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (BJS)
    The Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories provides data on crime labs across the country, including the services they...