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Evidence-Based Librarianship in Corrections - 1. Reference/Enquiries

  • Reference Services to Incarcerated People, Part I Themes Emerging from Answering Reference Questions from Prisons and Jails (2015)

    Drabinski, Emily and Debbie Rabina. Brooklyn Library Faculty Publications, n. 14.

    "Incarcerated people face significant information poverty, both because of limited access to information resources and because incarceration itself produces information needs that cannot be easily met. Through a content analysis of reference questions directed to the New York Public Library’s Correctional Services Program, this study articulates the particular information needs of these users. Information needs cluster around self-help and re-entry information, along with general reference queries that typically go unanswered due to the lack of access to the Internet and robust general libraries in correctional facilities. Understanding these needs...

  • Reference Services to Incarcerated People, Part II: Sources and Learning Outcomes (2015)

    Rabina, Debbie and Emily Drabinski. Brooklyn Library Faculty Publications, n. 15.

    "During the 2013/14 academic year, students taking a required general reference course in a library and information science program answered reference questions from incarcerated individuals. The assignment was designed as a service-learning project. Here we examine how well the assignment met the course and program-level learning objectives that students are expected to attain. We described the data collection and analysis, present our findings and make recommendation in ways to increase student learning outcome and ALA professional competencies from a services learning projects. Specifically we discuss the need to increase...


    The Office of Justice Programs’ uses rigorous research to determine what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. On you will find:

    Research on the effectiveness of programs and practices as reviewed and rated by Expert Reviewers

    Easily understandable ratings based on the evidence that indicates whether a program or practice achieves its goals

    Profiles of programs and practices with research findings