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Evidence-based Practices (EBP) - Principle 7. Measure Relevant Processes & Practices

  • document cover for APEX: Building the Model and Beginning the Journey

    APEX: Building the Model and Beginning the Journey

    “Through extensive research and analysis, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is offering the field of corrections a comprehensive business model entitled the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) Initiative. The APEX Initiative is an agency-driven systems approach to building capacity for higher organizational performance, best practices, data-driven decision making using multiple self-assessment tools, and a Guidebook series with strategies, interventions, and pathways. The APEX Public Safety Model presents a whole-systems view of a correctional agency” (p. v). You definitely want to...

  • broadcast cover for Performance Based Measurement System: What Really Counts in Corrections! [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 14, 2011]

    Performance Based Measurement System: What Really Counts in Corrections! [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 14, 2011]

    This program provides information about the nationwide automated Performance-Based Measures System (PBMS). PBMS is an accurate, consistent way to capture, record, report and share data between correctional agencies. It was created by the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA). Participants will be able to:

    • Describe the scope and development of PBMS regarding how specific needs gave rise to PBMS solutions;
    • Describe the key components of PBMS;
    • Examine the benefits of using the PBMS during an Evidenced Based Practice decision making...

  • document cover for Is This a Good Quality Outcome Evaluation Report? A Guide for Practitioners

    Is This a Good Quality Outcome Evaluation Report? A Guide for Practitioners

    “This guide is designed to introduce and explain the key concepts in outcome evaluation research in order to help practitioners distinguish between good and poor quality evaluation reports” (p. 3). Topics covered include: what evaluation is; the role of evaluation design; how well the evaluation is carried out; sample size appropriateness; definitions of evaluation terms; cost-benefit analysis; meta-analyses and systematic reviews; assessing the report’s quality; and “Is This a Good Quality Evaluation Report?” checklist.

  • document preview for The Role of Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation in Evidence-Based “Real World” Community Supervision

    The Role of Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation in Evidence-Based “Real World” Community Supervision

    The use of Strategy in Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS), a comprehensive model for community supervision, is discussed. Those individuals involved with community corrections and its increased effectiveness should read this article. It will explain how to transfer evidence-based practice into “real world” community supervision. Topics covered include: the emergence of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model; the Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision-program design, implementation, and evaluation issues; and steps to bringing “what works” to the real world.

  • document preview for WSIPP's Benefit-Cost Tool for States: Examining Policy Options in Sentencing and Corrections

    WSIPP's Benefit-Cost Tool for States: Examining Policy Options in Sentencing and Corrections

    The development and implementation of an analytical tool that helps states determine which evidence-based practices are most cost effective in preventing crime and lowering correctional costs. “The project’s overall goal is to use the best information available to identify sentencing and corrections policies that can help states protect public safety and control taxpayer costs. To accomplish this goal, we have constructed a benefit-cost “investment” model that estimates crime and fiscal outcomes of different combinations of public policies” (p. 1).


  • document cover for Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field (2nd ed)

    Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field (2nd ed)

    The first edition of this publication was released in 2011. As pretrial services have redefined its goals and strategic objectives, so must its outcome and performance metrics change. To that end-and to ensure that metrics for the field continue to be developed by practitioners-NIC commissioned PEN to assess the current pretrial landscape and revise current metrics to match these new dynamics. This process included internal discussion by PEN members and input via a survey from pretrial services agency directors whose...

  • Risk Assessment Quality Improvement (RAQI) Checklist (2017)

    The Risk Assessment Quality Improvement (RAQI) checklist helps identify potential problems with assessment tools quickly and efficiently. State agencies can then use this information to ensure that taxpayer dollars are targeted correctly and used effectively on supervision, programming, and treatment.