Juvenile Justice - Community Corrections
Statewide Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation (2014)
This is the first thorough systematic scan of the U.S. to determine the extent to which these [risk assessment] tools have been adopted across the country (p. 1). Sections of this report address" statewide uniform assessment; layered/regional assessment; locally administered assessment; and design variation in assessment tools. An excellent chart shows the use of these tools by state with information supplied according to: state; probation administration; authority—state statute, probation agency policy, state agency recommended, or local policy; risk assessment tool used; and statewide implementation.
Graduated Responses Toolkit: New Resources and Insights to Help Youth Succeed on Probation (2016)
Youth should be held accountable for their actions. However, there are many ways to teach youth to respect rules that do not involve incarceration and removal from family, school, and the community … A strong system of “graduated responses” - combining sanctions for violations and incentives for continued progress - can significantly reduce unnecessary incarceration, reduce racial and ethnic disparities, and improve successful probation completion rates and other outcomes for youth under supervision. This Toolkit is designed to help jurisdictions create an effective graduated response system or improve an existing system (p. 4).
Probation System Review Guidebook, 2nd Edition (2016)
This guidebook "provides the analytical framework that guides the review process toward alignment of jurisdictions’ practices with national best practice standards that contribute to improved system performance and youth outcomes … The PSR [Probation System Review] Guidebook aligns reform approaches with the most current advances in the field, based on up-to-date and relevant research on adolescent development, risks-needs-responsivity approaches, probation supervision, graduated system of responses, family engagement, and data-driven decision making.
Effectively Implementing Family Engagement and Involvement Practices for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System [Webinar] (2017)
This webinar highlights strategies, tools, examples, and best-practice models from across the country that juvenile justice agency managers, staff, and other practitioners may consider adopting to effectively implement family engagement practices and promote positive outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system.
Formal, Post-Adjudication Juvenile Probation Services (2017)
Juvenile probation is the supervision and monitoring of justice-involved youth in the community, rather than placement out of the home … The focus of this literature review is on formal probation and services provided to juveniles on post-adjudication probation, or probation as a disposition. The review will not focus on probation at intake, probation following out-of-home placement, or school-based probation. In addition to describing services provided, this review provides an overview of the process of juvenile probation, characteristics of youths served by probation, the role of probation officers, and a description of evidence-based programs that have been evaluated with youth...
Family Engagement in Juvenile Justice (2018)
Family engagement in juvenile justice involves establishing a collaborative relationship in which families are partners in both their children’s treatment and in developing the policies, programs, and practices of the system … This literature review focuses on synthesizing descriptions of the role of family engagement for youths involved in the juvenile justice system; research documenting how jurisdictions have attempted enhanced engagement, including policies that encourage family engagement; resources that help families to understand the juvenile justice process; practices such as parent training, family therapy, and family visitation; and outcome evidence for programs with family engagement strategies as key components.
Preventing Juvenile Transitions to Adult Crime: A Pilot Study of Probation Interventions for Older, High-Risk Juvenile Delinquents (2019)
This pilot study compared the recidivism risks of older, high-risk juvenile probationers exposed or unexposed to an experimental case-management intervention to further the development of a supportive community intervention. The experimental intervention targeted unmet basic needs before and after the exposed group aged out of the juvenile justice system to prevent transition to adult crime. A prospective-cohort design compared the recidivism risks of the intervention group (n = 29) with a randomly selected comparison group (n = 114) stratified by gender, race, and risks/needs. We followed both groups for 3 years after members turned 18. The results of this pilot...