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Learning and Performance

  • document cover for Workplace Learning Annotated Bibliography

    Workplace Learning Annotated Bibliography

    The use of workplace learning in “building your organization into a dynamic and flexible one, capable of meeting contemporary challenges” is addressed (p. 2). These annotated citations are grouped according to what workplace learning is, its importance, how to implement it, and how workplace learning has been implemented.

  • document cover for Corrections Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century

    Corrections Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century

    Anyone involved or interested in the future of learning and performance in corrections should read this publication. “This white paper focuses on learning and performance challenges in the 21st century including the role of technology in learning programs and the incorporation of evidence-based practices into program design and delivery. The paper offers an extensive review of learning research in the areas of theory, learners, learning organizations, instructional design, program design, delivery methods and modalities, learning transfer, and program assessment” (p...

  • document cover for From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]

    From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]

    Are you interested in getting more bang for your training buck? Leveraging the impact of your training department? Being effective with the training you prepare for, design, deliver and transfer into the workplace? Following the science of learning into practice? And you know that “content covered is not content learned?” Then this blended, interactive training broadcast / experience can assist with a transformation of your training department / unit into a center of learning and performance that can directly impact...

  • broadcast cover for Learning and Performance: Realigning Training to Achieve Agency Goals [Internet Broadcast]

    Learning and Performance: Realigning Training to Achieve Agency Goals [Internet Broadcast]

    This three-hour broadcast is intended to help realign your training with agency outcomes to help your agency become a learning organization.

    Using a variety of methods-including discussions, participant and team activities, and demonstrations-the broadcast will explore learning organization principles as exemplified by the work of David Garvin, Peter Senge and others.

    During this discussion, participants will: recognize the importance of linking training to agency outcomes; identify three building blocks for creating a learning organization; and explore ways to realign organizations...

  • document cover for 	Forty Forward: Learning and Performance Symposium 2014 Participant's Manual and Proceedings

    Forty Forward: Learning and Performance Symposium 2014 Participant's Manual and Proceedings

    This material is from the inaugural Learning and Performance Symposium. This event focused "on learning and performance practices based on established theory and research as well as the effective practices of successful learning leaders."

    Sections comprising the manual are: the Forty Forward agenda; "Correctional Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century" (2012) (NIC accession number 026506); needs assessment; "Innovation: Professional Development Series" by Barbara A. Collins and Michael Guevara, "Innovation: Learning and Performance Competency Model" by Lance Anderson...

  • document cover for 2015 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium: Innovations in Training and Learning Delivery Proceedings

    2015 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium: Innovations in Training and Learning Delivery Proceedings

    The National Institute of Corrections' 2015 Learning and Performance Symposium activities focused on the single most important need identified by participants of the inaugural 2104 Learning and Performance Symposium - Forty Forward. During the needs assessment process of NIC’s first learning and performance symposium, practitioners said their single most important need is for innovations in training and learning delivery.

    2015 Symposium activities focused on innovations in training and learning delivery included: presentations by corrections professionals representing various agencies on ways...

  • document cover for The Corrections Learning Organization

    The Corrections Learning Organization

    "Today, the need to understand effective leadership is greater than ever before: we are living in a smaller, more global environment that is changing at a rapid, often overwhelming, and seemingly unmanageable pace. Accepting the status quo is not an option. High-performance teams require leaders who not only understand and can readily adapt to this changing world, but who foster and inspire continuous learning and improvement among each and every member of the team. Put simply, leading an effective organization...

  • document cover for Training from A to E: Analysis to Evaluation

    Training from A to E: Analysis to Evaluation

    "The purpose of this paper is to provide learning performance professionals, curriculum designers, trainers, and others involved in the training profession an overview of the importance of analysis and evaluation when providing training to correctional professionals. The ADDIE model of instructional system design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) is the foundation of this paper and will be covered briefly. Emphasis is placed on analysis and evaluation, as they are the bookends of the ADDIE model. No training is complete without...

  • document cover for 2016 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium: Interactive Instruction Ignites Learning Proceedings Document

    2016 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium: Interactive Instruction Ignites Learning Proceedings Document

    This Proceedings Document reflects all the key content and activities of the three-day 2016 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium attended by approximately 100 corrections professionals from all disciplines including prisons, jails, community corrections and juvenile justice.