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PREA Training & Resources - PREA - Juveniles

  • document preview for Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Summary of Responses from Juvenile Focus Group on Staff Sexual Misconduct and Youth on Youth Sexual Assault

    Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Summary of Responses from Juvenile Focus Group on Staff Sexual Misconduct and Youth on Youth Sexual Assault

    Responses to thirteen questions regarding curriculum related to staff sexual misconduct with youth and youth on youth sexual assault are provided. "The objectives of the focus groups included: (1) to gather data that will inform NIC [National Institute of Corrections] in how to best develop a juvenile oriented curriculum on staff sexual misconduct; (2) to gather data that will guide NIC in identifying the major staff sexual misconduct related issues in juvenile corrections, including what stakeholders should be consulted, and...

  • document cover for Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities

    Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities

    The goal of this Toolkit is to provide juvenile agencies and facilities of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of residents in their custody - and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of resident sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilities, resident transportation vehicles, juvenile facilities, and community corrections...

  • website screenshot of PREA Youthful Inmate Implementation

    PREA Youthful Inmate Implementation

    This web page provides information regarding the implementation of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) “youthful inmate” standard. Youthful inmates are any incarcerated individuals under the age of 18. Links are provided to a two part webinar series regarding this implementation in three jurisdictions-Oregon, North Carolina, and Indiana. Other sections provide information about: the “youthful inmate” PREA Standard 115.14; options for implementation-reducing the number of youthful inmates in adult facilities, entering into cooperative agreements with outside jurisdictions to facilitate compliance...

  • video preview for Safeguarding Your Sexual Safety: A PREA Orientation Video

    Safeguarding Your Sexual Safety: A PREA Orientation Video

    This is an excellent presentation for youth about the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). It is intended to be used during orientation to the facility. Sections contained in this presentation are: Introductions-what’s it really like; Part 1-understanding your rights versus privileges; Part 2-zero tolerance means zero; Part 3-ensuring safety--i.e. grooming, letting others know of inappropriate touch, sharing of contraband by staff, sharing of personal information by staff, bullying by other youth; making reports-feeling free to report problems and the many...

  • document preview of PREA Audit Instrument - Juvenile Facilities

    PREA Audit Instrument - Juvenile Facilities

    These documents comprise the instrument that auditors will use to audit the U.S. Department of Justice's PREA Standards for Juvenile Faculties.” Elements comprising this instrument are: Pre-Audit Questionnaire; Auditor Compliance Tool used to determine PREA compliance; Instructions for PREA Audit Tour of the facility; Interview Protocols for agency head or designee, Superintendent or designee, PREA Compliance Manager/Coordinator, specialized staff, random staff, and residents; Auditor Summary Report” template; Process Map describing the audit process from start to finish; and Checklist of...

  • Document cover for the sexual victimization reported by juvenile correctional authorities 2007

    Sexual Victimization Reported By Juvenile Correctional Authorities, 2007-12

    This report presents national estimates of non-consensual sexual acts, abusive sexual contacts, staff sexual misconduct, and staff sexual harassment reported by correctional authorities in state juvenile correctional systems and local and private juvenile correctional facilities from 2007 to 2012. The report also examines substantiated incidents, including characteristics of victims and perpetrators, location, time of day, nature of injuries, impact on the victims, and sanctions imposed on the perpetrators. Companion tables in the Survey of Sexual Violence in Juvenile Correctional Facilities...

  • Document cover for the survey of sexual violence in juvenile correctional facilities 2007

    Survey of Sexual Violence in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, 2007-2012 - Statistical Tables

    This report presents jurisdiction- and facility-level counts of allegations and substantiated incidents of nonconsensual sexual acts, abusive sexual contact, staff sexual misconduct, and staff sexual harassment reported by juvenile correctional authorities from 2007 to 2012. Facilities include state juvenile systems, juvenile facilities in Indian country, and sampled locally and privately operated juvenile correctional facilities. These tables accompany Sexual Victimization Reported by Juvenile Correctional Authorities, 2007-12, which provides national estimates and rates of sexual victimization and an in-depth examination of substantiated...