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PREA Training & Resources - Training

  • document cover for Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates [Lesson Plans]

    Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates [Lesson Plans]

    A curriculum to address the needs of those who investigate allegations of staff sexual misconduct is presented. The following sections are contained in this manual: defining staff sexual misconduct and an overview of the national scope; legal considerations; institutional culture and staff/inmate dynamics; proactive investigative framework; responding to allegations; and activity booklet and action planning.

  • document cover for Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Jails

    Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Jails

    UPDATED 11/26/13: Minor edits. “The goal of this Toolkit is to provide jails of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of inmates in their custody - and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of inmate sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilities, inmate transportation vehicles, juvenile detention facilities, and...

  • document cover for Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities

    Implementing the Prison Rape Elimination Act: Toolkit for Juvenile Agencies and Facilities

    The goal of this Toolkit is to provide juvenile agencies and facilities of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of residents in their custody - and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of resident sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilities, resident transportation vehicles, juvenile facilities, and community corrections...

  • document cover for Curriculum: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders: Facilitator's Guide [Lesson Plans]

    Curriculum: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders: Facilitator's Guide [Lesson Plans]

    “Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders is a 36-hour educational program that addresses the complex issues in investigations of staff on offender sexual abuse in correctional settings ...

    The objectives of the training are to ensure that participants are able to: 1. Review the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and identify its impact on investigations of staff sexual misconduct with persons under correctional supervision; 2. Understand a comprehensive approach to addressing and investigating allegations of staff...

  • document cover for PREA: What You Need to Know

    PREA: What You Need to Know

    This resource is a must have for your agency! “The core goal of PREA: What You Need to Know is to teach inmates about their right to be free from sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The video gives an overview of corrections policies to prevent and respond to this abuse, covering how inmates can safely report abuse, the types of victim services available to inmates following an incident of sexual abuse, and what it means for a facility to have...

  • document preview for Specialized Training: Investigating Sexual Abuse in Confinement Settings

    Specialized Training: Investigating Sexual Abuse in Confinement Settings

    This training program “is designed to address the requirements outlined in the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standard 115.34/.134/.234/.334 requiring specialized training for individuals tasked with investigating alleged incidents of sexual abuse in confinement settings. Additionally, this curriculum contains the information fundamental to understanding the concepts required by PREA standard 115.34/.134/.234/.334 and best practice in investigating incidents of sexual abuse. Agencies with investigators who have extensive experience in investigating these and other types of allegations-such as law enforcement agencies-may want...

  • document preview for Specialized Training: PREA Medical and Mental Care Standards

    Specialized Training: PREA Medical and Mental Care Standards

    “The intent of the curriculum is to provide prisons, jails, community confinement, and juvenile detention facilities with specialized training for medical and mental health personnel on specific aspects of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). Specifically, this curriculum provides training on how to detect and assess signs of sexual abuse, preserve physical evidence, and respond effectively and professionally to victims.

    “The intended audience is health professionals. This includes but is not limited to physicians, psychologists, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, health...

  • the N.I.C. learn center home page

    National Institute of Corrections' Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Training Courses

    NIC offers the PREA courses at the NIC Learn Center here:

    The Learn Center is a full LMS, Learning Management System that will allow individuals to: create an account; start, stop a course and return to where they left off; and create and print a certificate upon successful completion of a course.

    The purpose of offering these courses on a DVD is to accommodate an institution that does not have access to the Internet and therefore needs another method...