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Probation & Parole - Probation - Drug Offenders

  • document preview for Who Gets Time for Federal Drug Offenses? Data Trends and Opportunities for Reform

    Who Gets Time for Federal Drug Offenses? Data Trends and Opportunities for Reform

    "Almost half of the 195,809 federally sentenced individuals in the Bureau of Prisons are serving time for drug trafficking offenses, but little is known about their criminal histories or the nature of their offenses. This brief examines both, finding that many people in federal prison for drug crimes have minimal or no criminal histories, and most were not convicted of violent or leading roles. Nonetheless, many serve long prison sentences due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Lasting reductions in the...

  • New Program Aims to End Jail's Revolving Door of Drug Offenders (2016)

    By targeting high-risk offenders, mainly those with long-term drug addictions, giving them access to the services they need whether that be drug treatment, mental health treatment or other life skills - and then having continuous contact with them to help them stay sober - the program hopes to keep repeat offenders out of jail once and for all.


  • Federal Drug Sentencing Laws Bring High Cost, Low Return (2015)

    More than 95,000 federal prisoners are serving time for drug-related offenses—up from fewer than 5,000 in 1980.

  • Managing Drug-Involved Offenders (2014)

    Effectively managing drug-involved offenders is an essential step to reduce crime and drug abuse.

  • Swift and Certain, Proportionate and Consistent: Key Values of Urine Drug Test Consequences for Probationers (2017)

    More innovative programs now use a UDT (urine drug testing) paradigm with more frequent, random testing providing rapid results and certain, swift consequences and addiction treatment when warranted or requested. Studies have shown these new programs—the foundation of which is frequent, random UDTs—to significantly reduce drug use, criminal recidivism, and incarceration.