Resources for Victim Service Providers - Confidentially
Frequently Asked Questions on Survivor Confidentiality Releases
Updated in 2011, this 14 page piece answers commonly asked questions about confidentiality provisions in the U.S. federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and clarifies best practices for informed consent related to protecting or sharing a survivor's information. It is a guide for any non-profit program receiving VAWA funds and is informative for any agencies partnering with those non-profit agencies. National Network to End Domestic Violence, 2011.
Confidentiality and Sexual Violence Survivors: A Toolkit for Sexual Assault Coalitions
This guide provides a checklist of issues, questions, and basic tips for a coalition staff attorney to use as a template when creating a confidentiality guide specific to the laws and policies of his/her state. Because the template is general, some of the topics enumerated may not be relevant to a particular state. Alternately, there may be some topics relevant to a state not included. National Crime Victim Law Institute, 2005.
Address Confidentiality Program
The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is administered by the Montana Attorney General’s Office and is designed to provide assistance to qualifying victims wishing to protect their address by providing the victim with a substitute address. The goal of the program is to contribute to a victim’s overall safety.
Release of Information/Confidentiality
Policy and Operating Procedure from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Parole Division 2007.
Summary of U.S. State Laws Related to Advocate Confidentiality
This worksheet provides a state-by-state summary of confidentiality, privilege and definitions. It is focused at advocates and victim counseling centers, often covering both employess and volunteers . Confidentiality Institute, 2014.