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Resources for Victim Service Providers - Juveniles

  • Face to face with victims: Boulder County to expand restorative justice

    This article covers the Longmont Restorative Justice Program. Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett's office will be one of four in Colorado participating in a state pilot program to help youths stay out of the court system - even the juvenile court system - and resolve their cases through restorative justice. Boulder Daily Camera, 2014.

  • Juvenile Probationers, Restitution Payments, and Empathy: An Evaluation of a Restorative Justice Based Program in Northeastern Pennsylvania

    The Firewood Program was developed for juvenile probationers in a rural Pennsylvania county to improve the completion rate of restitution payments to victims and provide community service. This study examines the effectiveness of the restitution program, which was measured as an increase in the offender’s level of empathy and shorter completion times of restitution payments. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2014.

  • Victims as Stakeholders: Research from a Juvenile Court on the Changing Roles of Victims in Restorative Justice

    This research analyzes changes made by a juvenile court over five years toward the progressive inclusion of victims as “stakeholders” within the implementation and development of restorative justice practices. Beginning in 1999,the Clark County Juvenile Court (CCJC) in Washington State introduced a VictimOffender Mediation (VOM) program.Subsequently, the court altered diversion and probation practices in ways that provided several significant services tovictims, and afforded victims increased decision-making capacity. Western Criminology Review, 2013.

  • Victim Offender Mediation Programs in Texas: A Report Published by the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

    This report is written in response to H.B. No. 2291, relating to a study of established victim offender mediation programs in Texas’ juvenile probation departments. Section I of this report provides general background information on Victim Offender Mediation (VOM), including its benefits, potential pitfalls, and best practices based on nationwide research of VOM programs. Section II focuses on VOM programs in Texas juvenile probation departments. Although there are nine juvenile probation departments with VOM programs, only
    three departments have active programs with over 100 annual referrals.

  • Juvenile Offender Information

    This webpage provides resources specific to victims of juvenile offenders. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

  • Memorandum Summarizing the Available Screening Tools to Identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) (2016)

    WestCoast Children's Clinic.
    This memo summarizes the criteria used to evaluate screening tools to identify commercially sexually exploited children. WestCoast Children’s Clinic (WCC) conducted a literature review and environmental scan of available tools and evaluated those tools according to specific criteria. WestCoast also incorporated information provided by the Child Welfare Council’s Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Action Team.