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Sex Offenders - Female Sex Offenders

  • Female Offenders in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A National Picture (2015)

    This article features an examination of virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States for 2010. Findings detail observed differences between male and female offenders on multiple domains and affirm female sexual offenders to be distinctly different from their male counterparts

  • An Incident-Based Comparison of Female and Male Sexual Offenders (2015)

    Improving on these limitations, we use the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to compare male and female sex offenders among all 802,150 incidents of sexual assault reported to police across 37 states between 1991 and 2011.

  • Static Risk Factors Predict Sexual Misconduct among Incarcerated Female Sexual Offenders (2014)

    This study evaluated if there was an association between static risk factors [as delineated by the Static-99 and Rapid Risk Assessment for Sex Offender Recidivism (RRASOR)] and institutional sexual misconduct for incarcerated female sexual offenders.

  • An Ecological Process Model of Female Sex Offending (2014)

    The present study qualitatively examined female sex offenders’ offense-related experiences and characterized the internal and external factors that contributed to offending.

  • Female Sex Offenders (2007)

    This policy and practice brief synthesizes the research and other professional literature about women and adolescent girls who commit sex offenses.