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  • document cover for The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Use Labor Market Information to Target High-Growth Occupations

    The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Use Labor Market Information to Target High-Growth Occupations

    "Using up-to-date labor market information is critical for identifying high-growth occupations, local and regional employment trends, and specific employers and industries that provide the best employment opportunities for justice-involved individuals. It also provides data essential for designing and implementing industry-recognized job training programs that help people develop the skills employers are seeking.

    "The job market is constantly changing; occupations that are in demand today may offer little opportunity for employment or advancement in the years to come, and occupations that...

  • document preview of The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Address Employers' Needs and Expectations

    The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Address Employers' Needs and Expectations

    "Many employers are apprehensive about hiring persons with criminal convictions, but employment specialists tolerate some failed hires only if they have had some successful job placements and found community-based corrections employment specialists to be responsive to their concerns. "It is important to remember that these relationships are mutually beneficial. The employment specialist who works with justice-involved individuals can help employers meet critical staffing needs at little or no cost, and employers can provide these job seekers with an opportunity to...

  • document preview for The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Prepare Job Seekers for Employment

    The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Prepare Job Seekers for Employment

    "Employers face global competition in their drive to operate successful businesses in today’s marketplace. If the correctional system is to be successful in placing job seekers in meaningful employment that meets employers’ expectations, correctional practitioners must prepare them for the workplace well in advance of their release. Practitioner knowledge of employers’ staffing requirements contributes to the success of this mission. New tools and proven strategies can greatly assist justice-involved individuals transitioning to the community workplace. necessary for post-release success" (p...

  • document preview for The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Engage and Partner with Stakeholders

    The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Engage and Partner with Stakeholders

    "No single agency can meet all of the workforce development needs of justice-involved individuals returning to the community. A systems approach that expands beyond the criminal justice system is essential for maximizing employment outcomes for this population. You must identify and engage stakeholders in developing employer-driven initiatives that meet their workforce development needs.

    There is also a need to share resources to increase efficiency and improve outcomes(p. 1). This publication explains how offender employment specialists can creates partnerships with other...

  • document preview of Labor Market Information Worksheet

    Labor Market Information Worksheet

    This worksheet helps a person to determine whether the job they want to get is right for them. This is done by answering some questions regarding the desired occupation. Responses are determined for: common names for the occupation; current number of jobs in the occupation; anticipated 10-year growth rate for the occupation; average annual job openings for occupation; license requirement for the occupation and whether individuals with a criminal conviction are excluded; certification availability for this occupation and whether persons...

  • document preview of Executive Summary: Research Supporting Employment as an Important Component of Evidence-Based Practice

    Executive Summary: Research Supporting Employment as an Important Component of Evidence-Based Practice

    This document briefly reviews the strong link between offender employment and recidivism. "Extensive research has demonstrated that strong ties to work can lead to desistance of offending. Based on the scientific evidence, education and vocational training programs work. They increase the rate of employment for ex-offenders, and meaningful work is an important contributor to less offending. More importantly, the evidence clearly shows that they reduce recidivism and provide a positive return on investment."

  • document preview of Implementing Apprenticeships: A Transitional Approach with Offenders (Pre-plea to Release from Supervision)

    Implementing Apprenticeships: A Transitional Approach with Offenders (Pre-plea to Release from Supervision)

    This document highlights the roles of and activities performed by six federal agencies in the provision of apprenticeships for federal offenders. The cooperating agencies are U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Pretrial Services, U.S. Probation, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Community Corrections Centers, and U.S. Probation.