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sidebar - LGBTI Medical & Mental Health

  • document cover of Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People

    Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People

    “The overall goal of the SOC [Standards of Care] is to provide clinical guidance for health professionals to assist transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people with safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves, in order to maximize their overall health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment ... While this is primarily a document for health professionals, the SOC may also be used by individuals, their families, and social institutions to understand how they can assist with...

  • document cover of Building Bridges: LGBT Populations: A Dialogue on Advancing Opportunities for Recovery from Addictions and Mental Health Problems

    Building Bridges: LGBT Populations: A Dialogue on Advancing Opportunities for Recovery from Addictions and Mental Health Problems

    "Despite recent strides in understanding and acceptance, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) individuals still face the challenges of negative stereotypes, rejection, marginalization, and discrimination, hindering their help-seeking behaviors. Moreover, those with mental health issues or addictions may encounter additional prejudice and discrimination. SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) initiated a dialogue to foster partnerships among individuals in recovery, identify factors at individual and systemic levels that impact LGBT individuals' recovery, and enhance understanding of diverse perspectives and...

  • document preview for Qualitative Analysis of Transgender Inmates' Correspondence: Implications for Departments of Correction

    Qualitative Analysis of Transgender Inmates' Correspondence: Implications for Departments of Correction

    "Claims of inadequate health care and safety afforded to transgender inmates have become the subject of litigation. This article reviews 129 unsolicited letters from transgender inmates writing ... to identify their concerns. Among the letters reviewed were reports from 10 inmates who had filed lawsuits naming departments of correction (DOCs) as defendants, claiming inadequate access to transgender health care. Five of these lawsuits have gone to trial. In all of those cases, the defendant settled the matter or was found...

  • document preview for Heath Correlates of Criminal Justice Involvement in 4793 Transgender Veterans

    Health Correlates of Criminal Justice Involvement in 4,793 Transgender Veterans

    "Transgender (TG) persons are overrepresented in prison settings and in the U.S. veteran population. Health disparities studies of large populations of transgender people involved with the criminal justice system have not been published to date ... "This investigation sought to describe characteristics associated with JI in a sample of veterans with TG identification and to determine whether health disparities exist when compared to non-TG veterans with a JI history" (p. 297, 298). Results are presented regarding: characteristics of TG and...