sidebar - Transition from Prison to Community
TPC Reentry Handbook: Implementing the NIC Transition from Prison to the Community Model
“The TPC Reentry Handbook has been developed as a resource for a broad range of stakeholders involved in improving transition and reentry practices” (p.3). Chapters comprising this manual are: transition and reentry-a key public policy issue; the Transition from Prison to the Community (TPC) model; why and how to take on the challenge of transition and reentry-lessons from the eight TPC states (Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, and Rhode Island); implementing the TPC model; case management-a...
TPC Case Management Handbook: An Integrated Case Management Approach
“This handbook is designed for teams of correctional and noncorrectional staff at the policy, management, and line staff levels who have been charged with implementing improvements in supervision and case management that support an overall strategy to reduce recidivism and enhance community safety through successful offender reentry” (p.1). Seven chapters are contained in this publication: an overview of the Integrated Case Management (ICM) approach; the critical challenges and strengths of the ICM approach; the nuts and bolts of the ICM...