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Statistics - Statistics - Domestic & International

  • World Female Imprisonment List: Women and girls in penal institutions, including pre-trial detainees/remand prisoners

    "This third edition of the World Female Imprisonment List shows the number of women and girls held in penal institutions in 219 prison systems in independent countries and dependent territories. The figures include both pre-trial detainees/remand prisoners and those who have been convicted and sentenced. The List also shows the percentage of women and girls within each national prison population and the proportion of the national population that are imprisoned females (the female prison population rate per 100,000 of the national population). The information is the latest available at the end of July 2015. In addition, this edition includes information...

  • States of Women's Incarceration: The Global Context

    "We already know that when it comes to incarceration, the United States is truly exceptional. As we have reported previously, the United States incarcerates 716 people for every 100,000 residents, more than any other country. Worldwide, and within the U.S., the vast majority of those incarcerated are men. As a result, women's incarceration rates are overshadowed and often lost in the data. As a first step in documenting how women fare in the world's carceral landscape, this report compares the incarceration rates for women of each U.S. state with the equivalent rates for countries around the world."

  • States of Incarceration: The Global Context (2016)

    "Louisiana has been called “the world’s prison capital. The state imprisons more of its people, per head, than any of its U.S. counterparts. First among Americans means first in the world.” But in the global context, how far behind are the other 49 states, really? This report finds that the disturbing answer is “Not very far.”"

  • World Prison Brief (WPB) - Highest to Lowest - Prison Population Total

    A drop down menu tool used to retrieve different world wide prison statistics.

  • Prison: Evidence of its use and over-use from around the world (2017)

    "This report looks at patterns of imprisonment in ten contrasting jurisdictions across all five continents of the world, namely: Kenya and South Africa in Africa, Brazil and the United States in the Americas, India and Thailand in Asia, England and Wales, Hungary and the Netherlands in Europe, Australia in Oceania. Over the course of the report, we present a brief history of imprisonment in each of the ten countries, and consider what lessons might be learnt for reducing use of custody worldwide."