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Technology in Corrections - Apps

  • Smartphones Enable Smart Supervision (2016)

    "OSM is a web app for officers and a smartphone
    app for offenders:
    • Offers all the traditional supervision tools to ensure an offender is held liable for their actions while protecting the public.The OSM app also distributes rehabilitative resources and gathers the data needed to document what truly reduces recidivism
    • Revolutionizing and reducing recidivism"

  • Smartphones Enable Smart Supervision Transcript - 2016 Virtual Conference

    "Hello and welcome to leading with innovation virtual conference November 9, 2016 and my name is Sarah and I will be in the background answering any technical questions. If you experience any technical difficulty please let your technical difficulty and I will assist you. You may contact our WebEx technical support at 1866779 3239. Please note that as an attendee you are part of a larger audience today. Due to privacy concerns be attendee list is not displayed. All attendees will be in a listen only mode throat the duration of today's call and as reminder, this call is being...

  • 10 fitness and health apps for corrections officers (2014)

    "Staying in shape is the easiest thing you can do to keep yourself safe as a corrections officer. But where can you find time to work out when you’re working a 12-hour shift? These ten phone apps, varied between iOS and Android, are just for that. Whether it’s a handful of minutes or a break on your weekend, make the most of your free time and get a few extra push-ups in."