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Technology in Corrections - Cell Phones

  • document cover for Law Enforcement Tech Guide: How to Plan, Purchase and Manage Technology (Successfully!): A Guide for Executives, Managers and Technologists

    Law Enforcement Tech Guide: How to Plan, Purchase and Manage Technology (Successfully!): A Guide for Executives, Managers and Technologists

    "[S]trategies, best practices, recommendations and ideas for successful IT planning and implementation" (p. 3) are provided. This guide is divided into the following parts: seven facts to know before reading this document; build the foundation; conduct a needs analysis; create a project plan; acquire the technology; implement the technology; and maintain the technology. Descriptions of information technology and a glossary are also included.

  • document preview for Jails And Health Information Technology: A Framework For Creating Connectivity

    Jails And Health Information Technology: A Framework For Creating Connectivity

    This paper “shares insights from the experiences of five jurisdictions working to implement different forms of HIT connectivity. Although there is no turnkey solution, there are lessons to be learned. [The] intent here is to share these lessons with those interested in improving health care in jail environments and with jurisdictions that are looking for ways to create connectivity in their communities” (p. 5). Sections of this report cover: bridging the islands between jail management systems, jail health systems, and...

  • document cover for Cell Phone Forensics in a Correctional Setting: Guidebook

    Cell Phone Forensics in a Correctional Setting: Guidebook

    "This guidebook provides correctional administrators with a brief, yet comprehensive and informative, view of cell phone forensic technologies. It reviews the evolving role of cell phone forensics in correctional institutions and presents issues to consider when acquiring and implementing these technologies. It also addresses the opportunities and challenges involved in selecting technologies and implementing them in correctional settings" (p. 8). Six chapters follow an executive summary: statement of the problem-reasons for the importance of cell phone forensics; what agencies need...