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Technology in Corrections - Computers & Internet

  • website screenshot of Taking it on the Chin: Legislatively Imposed Internet Restrictions for Sex Offenders

    Taking it on the Chin: Legislatively Imposed Internet Restrictions for Sex Offenders

    Recent court cases (2013) concerning the restricted use of the Internet by sex offenders are reviewed. These cases are: Doe v. Nebraska; Doe v. Prosecutor, Marion County, Indiana; and Bykov v. Rosen. “Restricting Internet access has always been seen primarily as a risk management condition ... Internet conditions/restrictions on community corrections cases (probation, parole, supervised release), properly crafted have been repeatedly upheld. The Bykov case signifies that separate and apart from managing cyber-risk, an Internet restriction can be punishment that...

  • document preview for Prisoners, Parolees, Sex Offenders, Computers, and the Internet

    Prisoners, Parolees, Sex Offenders, Computers, and the Internet

    This two-part series discussing issues and developments in the use of information technologies by inmates and offenders in the community. Part 1 looks at: the problems in general; access to computers; information from the internet; and the Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System (TRULINCS) used by federal prisons. Part 2 looks at supervised Internet access; cell phones and the Internet; parolees and the Internet; sex offenders and the Internet; and some suggestions for allowing limited electronic communication and Internet access.

  • Jail Tech: Phones, Tablets, and Software Behind Bars (2016)

    "The prison system has been notoriously slow to adopt new technology. That needs to change."

  • Online behind bars: if internet access is a human right, should prisoners have it? (2016)

    "For most of the developed world, internet access is a given. Google, Amazon, Facebook offer a privileged world of communication, entertainment, shopping and education that many of us take for granted. Unless, that is, you happen to be incarcerated.

    Aside from limited connections at a handful of juvenile detention facilities, there’s no way for America’s 2.3 million inmates to access the internet. Worse, institutions may punish inmates when their families post online on their behalf. Prison authorities cite concerns that inmates will use the internet to harass victims or threaten witnesses, arrange for deliveries of contraband or commit new crimes online."

  • Digitizing the 21st-Century Prison (2016)

    "Thhis month, inmates in more than 100 American penal institutions will begin receiving federal financial aid for higher education for the first time in more than two decades.

    Adding Up the True Cost of Tax Breaks for Big Tech’s Data Centers
    That’s good news for men and women in prison - 95 percent of whom will be released back into the community at some point. But bringing the benefits of a college degree to the greatest number of incarcerated people will require fundamentally changing how we deliver educational programming to prisoners."

  • Building Effective Partnerships For High-Quality Postsecondary Education In Correctional Facilities (2016)

    "In 2015, the United States Department of Education announced the Second Chance Pell Pilot Program, aimed at supporting postsecondary education programs for people in prison. The success of such programs and the students they serve depends on the quality of partnerships between colleges and corrections agencies. To support the implementation of new partnerships and strengthen new ones, this fact sheet shares lessons learned from the development and implementation of Vera’s Unlocking Potential: Pathways from Prison to Postsecondary Education demonstration project, launched in 2012."

  • In State and County Prisons, Mobile Devices Help Improve Prison Life (2017)

    "Mobile devices support life-saving counseling and help inmates develop real-world job skills that may decrease recidivism."