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James Austin

  • Women in Jail: Classification Issues

    The authors examine issues related to classification of female jail inmates by profiling the female inmate population and discussing problems assoc

  • Objective Jail Classification Systems: A Guide for Jail Administrators

    Objective jail classification (OJC) is a process of assessing every jail inmate's custody and program needs and is considered one of the most impor

  • Critical Issues and Developments in Prison Classification

    In order to enable correctional administrators to anticipate further improvements in objective classification, this bulletin provides a summary of

  • Revalidating External Prison Classification Systems: The Experience of Ten States and Model for Classification Reform

    Work undertaken by the participating states is described, an outline of the fundamental tasks required for a revalidation effort is provided, and e

  • Findings in Prison Classification and Risk Assessment

    New information and knowledge learned regarding classification and risk assessment systems are reviewed.

  • Prisoner Intake Systems: Assessing Needs and Classifying Prisoners

    Tasks, assessments, and technology used in prisoner intake systems are examined.

  • Classification of High-Risk and Special Management Prisoners: A National Assessment of Current Practices

    Results from a survey "designed to obtain information on the procedures used to classify high-risk inmates, particularly those in protective custod

  • How New York City Reduced Mass Incarceration: A Model for Change?

    “Are there connections between these three shifts - a decrease in crime, a decrease in the correctional population, and a sharp increase in controv

  • Objective Prison Classification: A Guide for Correctional Agencies

    Classification systems help minimize the potential for prison violence, escape, and institutional misconduct.