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Correctional Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative (CAHTI)

a woman sitting at a table, in front of her is a man's fist indicating a threat of violence

In response to a new threat to correctional operations and the welfare of inmates, NIC has begun its initial efforts in the area on correctional anti-human trafficking. In order to be considered "trafficking" on both federal and state levels, the A-M-P Model may be applied: ACT, MEANS, PURPOSE. It is our goal to develop resources for creating both staff and inmate awareness of the issues, and continue to operate in a manner that reflects our commitment to safety and security. In accordance with the legal mandate that supports prevention, protection and prosecution, we have forged partnerships and other forms of collaboration to counter sex trafficking of women under our supervision.


  • Bureau of Justice Assistance/BJA
  • Department of Justice/DOJ
  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention/OJJDP
  • National Institute of Justice/NIJ
  • Office for Victims of Crime/OVC
  • Office on Violence Against Women/OVW
  • Bureau of Prisons/BOP

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act VTVPA (P.L. 106-386) of 2000 defines human trafficking as "severe forms of trafficking in persons" that includes both sex trafficking and labor trafficking. The NIC Correctional Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative (CAHTI) focuses on the victims of sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age (22 USC 7102; 8 CFR 214.11 (a)).

Our victims are predominantly female offenders--inside and out; prior abuse/neglect; drug/alcohol history; experienced trauma; low self-esteem; and if in the street life, 90% are already under the control of a pimp. The greatest obstacle to rescuing victims of human sex trafficking is (1) Identifying the victims (2) Getting them the services and support they need inside and outside of incarceration and (3) Generating evidence against their traffickers.

Download the Anti-Human Trafficking Resources brochure