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Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) Series


Are you interested in building and developing your senior-level leaders through NIC’s Correctional Leadership Development Series? If so, contact the NIC Academy Division!

What is the Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) series?

CLD is NIC’s Correctional Leadership Development series, a dynamic, agency-exclusive, individual, and organizational development experience, that primarily targets the senior-level tier of a correctional organization. It simultaneously engages all levels of agency leadership through internal action-based learning strategies at the individual, team, and agency levels.

NIC currently offers CLD in a hybrid format. The series is comprised of two, 32-hour phases: 

  • Phase One which is four (4) days in person training, and 
  • Phase Two, which consists of eight (8) live virtual instructor-led training classes (VILT) of three (3) hours each, with intersession assignments and activities between each live class.

Pre-session work involves participants completing several online instruments and reading assignments. This program is grounded in the evidence-based Leadership Challenge Model© developed by James Kouzes and Barry Posner and addresses five leadership practices: 

  1. challenging the process, 
  2. inspiring a shared vision, 
  3. enabling others to act, 
  4. modeling the way, and 
  5. encouraging the heart. 

An online 360-degree feedback instrument assesses the participant’s behavior against these five leadership practices. Other instruments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Profiles of Organizational Influencing Strategies (POIS), and others assess psychological type, use of power and influence strategies, and team strategies used by course participants. 

Participants will prepare a dynamic leadership development plan, participate in individual developmental coaching, and undertake action-based learning projects focused on the relevant issues in their agencies to apply skills and strategies learned in the program to build organizational capacity and manage organizational change between sessions one and two. See the CLD Series Overview slide deck for further information on the CLD process, CLD hybrid structure, readiness, content, and activities.

Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) Series Preparation, Phase 1, and Intersession Correctional Leadership Development (CLD) Series Phase 2

Who Should Express Interest in the CLD Series?

Correctional agencies (jails, prisons and community corrections agencies) interested in developing an internal cadre of up to 30 senior-level leaders within their organizations. Those organizations who have participated in NIC’s Management Development for the Future (MDF) series) will be given priority consideration. Once an agency is selected, individual application and participant selection will be conducted through the agency in collaboration with NIC.

What is Action Learning?

Retrieved September 28, 2021 from World Institute For Action Learning 

Who Should Attend Within Selected Agencies?

Senior-level leaders in a selected correctional agency(ies) may include Director of Probation, Parole, or Community Corrections; Deputy Director of Probation, Parole, or Community Corrections; Director of the Division of Institutions/Prisons; Deputy Director of the Division of Institutions/Prisons; Regional or District Director of Field Services (Probation and/or Parole, Community Corrections, Community Sentencing); Warden/Superintendent; Juvenile Facility Administrator; Juvenile Detention Director/Superintendent; Juvenile Probation Director (can also be executive level depending on state); Jail Administrators; Deputy Jail Administrators in large systems; Directors of combined field and institutional regions/programs; Correctional Industries Director.; Deputy Correctional Industries Administrator; Medical and Program Services Director; Deputy Medical and Program Services Director; Capital Program Director; Deputy Capital Program Director; Director of Human Resources, Budget, or Information Services; and Deputy Director of Human Resources, Budget, or Information Services.

Please see NIC’s Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Executive and Senior Levels, pages 1 – 15, for sample job and responsibility areas that are appropriate for the CLD series

Agency Application Process

Agencies interested in this series must submit a letter of interest to the NIC Contact (see below) from their CEO describing their organization’s need and commitment to participate in this blended skills-based series, which totals approximately 80 hours over a 12 month* period. Final selection and scheduling of the blended CLD series is contingent on the organization’s commitment, readiness and preparedness to support the series actively and sponsor participants in their learning prior to and throughout the series. A comprehensive readiness assessment process and interview(s) with the executive level of the agency applying will be conducted prior to NIC’s commitment to the series.

Note: NIC does not pay participant expenses related to attendance or participation in this blended CLD series.

As NIC is a federal agency, there are no tuition or fees for our programs. NIC will cover the costs of faculty and NIC staff, assessments and instruments, books, etc.

We ask our partner agencies to supply a training site, with one main classroom of 1200 square feet minimum, two or more additional breakout rooms of 400 square feet minimum, A/V equipment such as ceiling mount projector, DVD player and speakers if required, easel charts and pads, and typical training supplies, such as easel markers, masking tape, etc.

For more information on the CLD series or the application process, please contact NIC's Academy Division.

NIC continuously accepts interest inquiries from agencies related to the CLD series.

*When an agency is selected, training dates will be negotiated between NIC and the requesting agency.

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