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Crime Survivors Speak: The First-Ever National Survey of Victims' Views on Safety and Justice

"The National Survey of Victims' Views is the first-of-its-kind research on crime survivors' experiences with the criminal justice system and their preferences for safety and justice policy ... The annual NCVS [National Crime Victimization Survey] report is invaluable for understanding many facets of victimization, including unreported crime. The April 2016 National Survey of Victims’ Views helps fill some of the gaps in knowledge that remain, in particular, victims’ views on safety and justice policy and the ways in which victims experience the criminal justice system."

Sections following an executive summary (which includes key findings) are: introduction and background; who crime victims are; what the impact of crime on victims is; whether the criminal justice systems is meeting the needs of victims; what the perspectives of victims are on the criminal justice system and public safety policies; what the victims' views are on the role of prosecutors; and conclusion and recommendations.