Umez, Chidi, Jan Dela Cruz, Maureen Richey, and Katy Albis, 2017
Fernandes-Alcantara, Adrienne L., 2017
This report begins with an overview of the purpose of mentoring, including a brief discussion on research of structured mentoring programs.
Karcher, Michael J., and David A. Johnson, 2016
The primary goal of the proposed research project was to provide estimates of the effectiveness of youth advocacy in general, and more specifically as delivered through the Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP).
A program of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Our goal is to improve the quality and effectiveness of youth mentoring across the country through increased use of evidence-based practices and sharing practitioner innovations.
Bruce, Mary; and John Bridgeland, Civic Enterprises, Hart Research Associates, 2014
This report includes the results of the first-ever, nationally representative survey of young people's perspectives on mentoring.
Document ID: 028080
Sar, Bibhuti K.; Emma M. Sterrett, and Jenny A. Taylor, University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work, Exploited Children's Help Organization (ECHO), 2014
This curriculum was modeled in structure and organization after the developmental cross-age mentoring curriculum developed by Michael Karcher, PhD.
Document ID: 028081
Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, 2013
The program snapshots below illustrate the positive impact these reentry initiatives can have by focusing on areas vital to reintegration back into the community, including employment, education, mentoring, and substance abuse and mental health treatment.
Document ID: 027922