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I'm Looking for Technical Assistance for My Agency

What Is Technical Assistance?

Technical assistance (TA) is guidance, support, advice, assessment, and/or customized training that a Technical Resource Provider (TRP) or an NIC staff member provides to federal, state, local, or tribal correctional agencies or other organizations in the field of corrections. The TRP or NIC staff member serves in an advisory capacity and/or works with the staff of the requesting agency in assessing programs and operations, implementing advanced practices, and improving overall agency management, operations, and programming.

a gauge that goes from red to green with the arrow pointing to green

The Technical Assistance Process

  1. TA Request Received

    NIC sends an acknowledgment email to your agency confirming receipt of the request.

  2. Request is assessed to determine eligibility

    NIC’s TA assessment team will contact your agency designee with any questions they have.

  3. NIC Program Advisor Contacts your Agency

    Your agency designee and the assigned NIC Program Advisor will discuss and refine your request.

  4. NIC Designs your TA Event

    • NIC schedules a TA event in collaboration with your agency.
    • NIC contracts services or other resources to fulfill your TA event.
    • NIC sends confirmation of TA services to your agency.
  5. Your TA Event occurs

    The trainer and resources come to your facility to complete the requirements of the TA event

  6. After-Action Review

    • Your agency completes an evaluation of the TA event for NIC.
    • Your agency receives a report from the NIC TA provider (if applicable).

Apply for Technical Assistance

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