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The National Institute of Corrections is currently assessing its website and materials in accordance with recent Executive Orders and related guidance. During this review, some of NIC’s webpages and publications may be temporarily unavailable. Please revisit this web page for updates.

I'm Looking for Training and/or Courses

The National Institute of Corrections offers numerous training options to accommodate participant learning styles, preferences, and work schedules. Training is available both for individuals and organizations.

  • NIC Learning Center

    A man taking an online course on his laptop

    The NIC Learn center houses hundreds of online courses that can be taken any time, any day of the week. Corrections professionals can watch videos and test their knowledge on important corrections topics, while learning the latest trends and standards in the field.

  • Partnership Training Programs

    The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) offers comprehensive partnership training programs that are designed to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of correctional agencies. These programs are aimed at promoting collaboration and teamwork among correctional professionals, as well as providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively address the challenges and demands of the corrections field. Through visits by our specialists, correctional agencies can build meaningful partnerships with other stakeholders, including law enforcement, community organizations, and government agencies, to achieve common goals such as reducing recidivism and promoting public safety. NIC's partnership training programs are delivered by experienced trainers and subject matter experts, and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each participating agency.

  • NIC In-Person Learning Events Information

    If you are attending a NIC in-person (classroom) learning event, please use the links and documents below. As mentioned in NIC's Participant Travel Onboarding Packet, please reach out to your NIC Program Coordinator / National Programs Advisor if you have questions regarding the In-Person Learning onboarding process.

NIC Office Locations

  • NIC Main Office

    901 D Street Southwest, 3rd Floor
    Washington DC 20024

  • NIC Training Academy & Information Center

    11900 East Cornell Avenue, Unit C,
    Aurora Colorado 80014

Become an NIC trainer
(Technical Resource Provider)

NIC is seeking individuals with demonstrated experience in successful facilitation of, or acting for, corrections-based training.

The technical resource providers will support training implemented by NIC. This work includes facilitating training modules or acting for corrections-based role-play scenarios within correctional agencies in the United States.

Trainer Resources

Resources and Services for Correctional Trainers

NIC offers a variety of resource and services for those providing training in a correctional setting.

The Learning and Performance Initiative represents NIC’s effort to help build staff training and development capacity in corrections agencies.

Many materials are online, but most are available only through our library. If you are a correctional trainer and would like additional information about our resources and services, please contact us through our help desk.

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