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The National Institute of Corrections is currently assessing its website and materials in accordance with recent Executive Orders and related guidance. During this review, some of NIC’s webpages and publications may be temporarily unavailable. Please revisit this web page for updates.

NIC Training Programs

Classes by National Programs Advisors

Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to stay ahead of industry trends or a newcomer seeking foundational knowledge, NIC Programs are tailored to meet your needs. The dynamic nature of the corrections landscape requires constant adaptation, and our programs provide the tools and perspectives necessary for staying relevant in an ever-evolving world. Join sessions where thought leaders and industry experts share their wisdom and views of the latest developments in our field. The value of NIC programs is not just in the content but also in the interactive and immersive nature of our trainings. Through workshops, panel discussions, and hands-on activities, you gain practical skills that can be applied immediately in your professional journey.

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Past Programs

Thank you for taking an interest in some of our current or past events and programs. The following may be currently taking place or have completed, but their registration is no longer open. Please reach out to our helpdesk or contact the NPA of the program if you would like to express your interest in applying for a future opportunity of the same type.