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Managing Restrictive Housing Populations in Prisons (June 2025)

Registration Dates
Registration Starts
Registration Ends
Program Begins
Program Start Date

This four-day program explores the following: a brief history of Restrictive Housing, issues related to the use of Restrictive Housing, constitutional amendments and court decisions related to Restrictive Housing, management strategies for Restrictive Housing focusing on addressing behavior and successful reintegration into general population, prison organizational culture and climate, staffing, and functional analysis/behavior management plans. Most importantly, the program offers participants an opportunity to increase their knowledge around Restrictive Housing, share best and promising practices with peers, and develop an understanding of the Restrictive Housing "Guiding Principles" issued by the Department of Justice in the report "Department of Justice Report and Recommendations Concerning the Use of Restrictive Housing" ( Participants will complete this program with an understanding of the intent of the Guiding Principles and the application of these principles within prison settings.

To maximize the learning opportunities from this program, participants will be asked to complete several readings, watch select videos, and prepare two separate documents prior to the training. There are multiple group activities integrated throughout the program that serve as opportunities for the participants to demonstrate an understanding of the material, engage with counterparts from other prisons, and facilitate the peer learning process.

Participants should come prepared for a productive and motivating event as they work with their colleagues and counterparts to move their agency forward in the management of restrictive housing populations.


Teams of three (3) from each agency consisting of one from each of the following position lines (Each individual needs to submit an application):

  1. Agency Head or Central/Regional Officer Representative (Director/Deputy Director/Director of Operations)
  2. Facility Head (Warden) from the facility you plan to implement change at
  3. Agency Mental Health Director

The team should have oversight and decision-making authority to effect change in their agencies. As part of the selection process for the program, each applicant may be asked to describe their current function within the organization and validate or substantiate their decision-making authority within their agency.

Content Manager
Program's Physical Location

National Corrections Academy
11900 E. Cornell Ave
Aurora, CO 80014
United States

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