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Staff Analysis Implementation Project for Prisons (September 2025)

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The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is seeking facility-based correctional agencies interested in applying for training and technical assistance in the analysis of agency staffing requirements.


In an unprecedented era of staffing shortages, good staffing plans and practices go a long way toward achieving an agency's most important mandate: providing safety for staff, the public, and those in custody. The National Institute of Corrections is seeking facility-based correctional agencies with a commitment to following a systematic approach to analyzing their staffing requirements. By conducting a staffing analysis following an industry-recognized process, agencies will compile and analyze the data necessary to recognize where they can make efficiencies, establish or modify policies that affect staffing, and provide justification for current or future staffing needs.

Participating agencies are committing to:

  • Establishing a five-person staffing analysis implementation team for their agency.
  • Attending eight two-hour virtual training sessions delivered over the course of four months.
  • Participating in the intersession practical application of staffing analysis processes.
  • Analyzing facility, personnel, population, and agency data to identify new or existing efficiencies.
  • Conducting a staffing analysis of their agency's custodial line officers and first-line supervisors.
  • Producing a staffing analysis report.


NIC has been providing staffing analysis resources to corrections for over 30 years. This staffing analysis process and methodology are widely regarded as the industry standard within corrections and beyond.

Derived from the processes and methodology depicted in NIC staffing analysis resources, the Staffing Analysis Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) curriculum was developed with distinct advantages over the in-class delivery method, which includes instruction and only a brief practical exercise involving an overview of staffing analysis processes. Agencies participating in the virtual delivery will benefit from extensive hands-on experience in all of the staffing analysis steps and processes. Participants will be assisted throughout the learning process with live virtual training sessions, intersession practical application, and coaching as they conduct a staffing analysis of the custodial line officers and first-line supervisors from one of their agency's facilities. The knowledge and skills gained will equip participants with everything they need to complete an analysis of the remaining agency staff.

Overview of Activities: Conducting a Staffing Analysis

Agency participants will receive training, coaching, and technical assistance for approximately five months, covering pre-session data collection, planning, training, and report-writing activities. While no direct funding is provided, through the benefit of training, coaching, practical application, and technical assistance, participating agencies will be prepared to implement a staffing plan that can be reviewed, updated, and revised annually.

Training, coaching, and technical assistance will be completed in four stages as described below.

I: Implementation Planning and Pre-Training Activities

Agencies will be asked to identify a team of five individuals to serve as their Staffing Analysis Implementation Team (SAIT). Successful implementation of staffing analysis requires team members to be influential within their agency and be familiar with various aspects of their facility's physical plant, population, and policy. A planning session will be conducted with the four selected SAIT leaders to lay the groundwork for the project and determine scheduling for data collection, training, and intersession coaching.

II: Training

Training will be delivered during eight, 2 to 2½ hour live sessions using the Webex training platform. Training, with a few exceptions, will typically occur every other week over a period of approximately four months. Participation and technical requirements are explained in further detail below.

III: Intersession Project Development and Coaching

Between each training session, the SAITs will be required to perform the staffing analysis process(es) corresponding to the prior training session's instruction. For example, if the previous training session taught the process of completing post assessments, the SAIT will follow the process to complete this staffing analysis activity before the next training session begins. For this example, the process would include but is not limited to, physically evaluating each post, interviewing personnel, and examining and comparing practice and policy. Through this incremental intersession practical application of the staffing analysis process aided by coaching and guidance from NIC's instructional staff, SAITs will complete a staffing analysis of the agency's custodial line officers and first-line supervisors in one of their facilities by the end of this training program.

Note:  Depending on the facility size and/or complexity, participant agencies should anticipate some intensive and time-consuming intersession work between virtual sessions.

IV: Staffing Analysis Reports

Assisted by coaching and feedback from NIC, each SAIT will develop a report detailing the results of their analysis, which will be presented to the NIC instructor and the respective CEOs for each SAIT at the end of the training program.

Although developing a staffing analysis report is the capstone of the training program, it will be based only on the analysis of the custodial line officers and first-line supervisors from one facility and would not be considered a complete facility or agency report. However, using the staffing analysis methodology learned during this training program, participants will have the knowledge and tools to complete a comprehensive staffing analysis of all staff within the facility and/or agency and be able to implement a new staffing plan.

NIC's involvement with this project will conclude following the presentation of each SAIT's report.

Expectations and Submission Requirements

The following are deemed necessary for successful implementation of a staffing analysis plan:

A Demonstrated Commitment to Implement the Staffing Analysis: Agencies must describe their agency's current and previous efforts, if any, to implement a staffing analysis process; their rationale and commitment to implement the staffing analysis and the driving factors behind the decision; and the changes or outcomes they hope to achieve from this project.

The Ability to Collect and Analyze Data and Information: Having the capacity to collect data and information on personnel, existing policies, programs, and practices that guide the work of conducting a staffing analysis will be considered favorable.

Qualified Individuals to Serve on the Staffing Analysis Implementation Team:  Agencies must identify five individuals to serve as members of their agency's SAIT. The team members should include personnel from each of the following functional areas: Administrator, Chief of Security, Chief of Programs and Services, Chief of Support Services, and Human Resources Supervisor responsible for payroll and time/attendance (or staff having extensive knowledge of and responsibilities for each of the corresponding areas). Agencies will provide each individual's name, title, agency, contact information, qualifications, and rationale for their selection.


As an eminently qualified and integral part of their agency's SAIT, the SAIT leader will serve as the liaison between NIC instructional staff, agency leadership, and the other SAIT members.

All SAIT members should be geographically located near the project facility to allow them to perform the onsite intersession assignments.

Time for Team Participation: Agencies must indicate a commitment to the SAIT training process and a willingness to give team members the time required to participate fully in all virtual training components and intersession work over a four-month period.

Technology Requirements:  The training will be delivered virtually in real-time on the Webex training platform. Each participant/team member is required to use a dedicated computer with webcam capacity free from noise and distractions for all training sessions. Additionally, it is recommended that SAIT members have Google Chrome and Firefox browsers downloaded and available for use. Applicants must indicate their understanding of the technology needs for this project.

Complete Implementation:  Using your agency's SAIT, complete an analysis of your facility’s/agency's remaining personnel.

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