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Leadership Development Partnership Initiative

The Academy Leadership Development Partnership Initiative incorporates research, fosters innovation, and drives opportunities for professional growth by partnering with constituent agencies to plan, develop, implement, and measure agency-based leadership development programs. These programs that are specific to the agency, implemented by the agency, and sustained by the agency. 

Benefits of LDPI

    Agency size will not be a barrier to service delivery: The new model will enable agencies to develop their own leadership development program regardless of agency size.
    There will be multiple bodies of research and science behind the service model, including implementation science, leadership development, learning and performance, and change management. NIC will recommend research-based methods of leadership development, program implementation, and evaluation throughout the course of the partnership thereby encouraging the adoption of sound, effective practices as agencies build their program.
    When agencies create their own, sustainable leadership development programs, they create internal capacity within the agency to effectively fill leadership positions and to positively influence agency issues such as retention, staff wellness, employee engagement, and agency culture.
    Rather than NIC determining content and delivery mode, agencies will conduct a gap analysis to identify competencies, content, and skill sets specific to their own agency needs and that align with their mission and vision. Agencies will have considerably more delivery options - such as mentorship, special assignments, job rotation, and continued coaching - than they had with the prior service delivery model.
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