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APPA: Responses to Staff Wellness and Trauma in an era of Urgency

We now find ourselves in a challenging environment in this era of COVID-19, where the need to address the health and wellness of our staff, while safely and humanely managing the populations we supervise in the community has been accelerated. This interactive workshop will introduce the participants to the challenges and opportunities presented when agencies create programs designed to address staff trauma – either short-term or long-term. 

Performance (Training/Learning) Objectives:

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize three to five obstacles to providing services to staff experiencing trauma
  • Recognize possible overcome those remedies to obstacles
  • Identify at least one collaborative relationship/connection that could support a more proactive and integrated approach in their jurisdiction
  • Identify at least one action step that can be taken to improve the response to staff trauma in their jurisdiction
Event Date