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In Focus: Implementing Mental Health Screening and Assessment (2018)

This a new brief from the Stepping Up partners designed to help counties identify the number of people booked into jails who have serious mental illnesses (SMI) and to better connect these individuals to treatment. Determining the number of people who have SMI in jails allows counties to develop or refine strategic plans that will have the greatest impact on addressing this population’s needs.

Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2022

This report describes BJS’s activities during 2021 and 2022 to collect data and report on human trafficking as required by the Combat Human Trafficking Act of 2015 (34 U.S.C. § 20709(e)). It details ongoing and completed efforts to measure and analyze the nationwide incidence of human trafficking, to describe characteristics of human trafficking victims and offenders, and to describe criminal justice responses to human trafficking offenses. Additionally, it provides information on human trafficking suspects referred to and prosecuted by U.S.

Court Date Notification Systems (2020)

The two main pretrial outcomes that jurisdictions seek—and the only two outcomes that can legally be considered when deciding whether to detain or release a person pretrial—are to maximize court appearance and maximize community well-being and safety (i.e., minimize the likelihood of a person’s rearrest). This summary examines the current base of knowledge regarding the effectiveness of court date notification systems in achieving these positive outcomes.

Computerizing Your Statistics for Better Jail Management (2014)

"This article describes how Boulder County set up its report workbook in Excel, including a front-page “COMSTAT”-style dashboard for managers that displays high-level data. The system includes automated reports from the Jail Management System (JMS) and information from other sources. A point person was assigned to develop the overall system. Other staff members who are responsible for various areas of jail operation manage their own data on the appropriate worksheets. Staff members’ access to read or edit information is individually defined."

50-State Comparison: Pardon Policy & Practice (2022)

In states where pardoning is characterized as “frequent and regular,” there is a regular pardon process with a high percentage of applications granted (30% or more); where pardoning is “sparing,” there is a regular process but a low grant rate; where pardons are infrequent, uneven, or rare, the chart will generally indicate numbers

Victim/Offender Dialogue Brochure (2013)

Kansas Department of Corrections, Office of Victim Services.
This brochures addresses: who can request a dialogue, why choose a dialogue, dialogue preparation, program requirements and the dialogue process.

Victim Offender Dialogue Policies (2022)

State of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

The purpose of this policy is to provide victims of violent crime the opportunity for a structured, face-to-face meeting with their offender(s) in a secure, safe environment, in order to facilitate a healing recovery process. This policy applies to facilitators conducting victim offender dialogues, staff of the Office of Victim Services, and all other employees involved in the victim offender dialogue process.

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