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Use of Voice not Force (2019)

Ted Talk Video (15:32 minutes)

In this talk, recorded at TEDxEustis in January 2019, Sgt. Fred Jones brings a unique perspective to the conversation regarding use of force by law enforcement. An advocate for emotional intelligence training, Jones makes a passionate and reasoned plea for empathy and training for law enforcement officers.

Why You Need Diversity on Your Team, and 8 Ways to Build It (2019)

Make no mistake about it; diverse teams are just good business. Unfortunately, diversity is still an area where startups are struggling. Thankfully, you can update your thought process about team diversity once you understand how beneficial a diverse team is for your business and how easy it is to build one.

Why Inclusive Leaders Are Good for Organizations, and How to Become One (2020)

Companies increasingly rely on diverse, multidisciplinary teams that combine the collective capabilities of women and men, people of different cultural heritage, and younger and older workers. But simply throwing a mix of people together doesn’t guarantee high performance; it requires inclusive leadership - leadership that assures that all team members feel they are treated respectfully and fairly, are valued and sense that they belong, and are confident and inspired.

The Key to Inclusive Leadership (2020)

Inclusive leadership is emerging as a unique and critical capability helping organizations adapt to diverse customers, markets, ideas and talent. For those working around a leader, such as a manager, direct report or peer, the single most important trait generating a sense of inclusiveness is a leader’s visible awareness of bias. But to fully capitalize on their cognizance of bias, leaders also must express both humility and empathy. This article describes organizational practices that can help leaders become more inclusive and enhance the performance of their teams.

The Importance of Inclusive Leadership (2020)

Creating a work environment where employees report a sense of genuine belonging is more than just a feel-good initiative. The human connections amongst employees, as well as a connection to the company mission, are crucial for businesses to thrive in today’s economy. A diverse workforce does little, however, without an inclusive leader who can leverage the diversity of people, thoughts, and experiences. Organizations with inclusive leaders are more likely to attract and retain top talent, create innovative solutions, and appeal to changing markets.

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

According to a recent demographic analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the U.S. will no longer have a single racial or ethnic majority. This shift towards a more diverse population will have major impacts on the workforce and how organizations address diversity in the workplace.

Inclusive Leadership: Steps Your Organization Should Take to Get it Right

In recent months across the globe, individual protesters haven’t been the only voices demanding social and economic equality. Organizations, too, have taken a stand.

From corporations to small businesses to nonprofits, responses ranged from statements denouncing racism to commitments for equitable representation of products from minority-owned businesses.

The Restitution Resource Center

The Restitution Resource Center helps states improve their ability to effectively order, collect, disburse, and fulfill restitution sentences.

Victims frequently sustain financial losses as a result of the crimes committed against them. Repayment of those financial losses, or restitution, by the person who was convicted of the crime can be a crucial resource for victims. However, even when courts order people to pay restitution, there is no guarantee that the amount ordered will be collected.

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