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Missouri Mayor Krewson Recruits FUSE Fellows to Advance Criminal Justice Reform (2018)

Two new executives have joined the Mayor’s administration to work on initiatives aimed at advancing criminal justice reform in the city

Debbie Allen and Wilford Pinkney are members of the FUSE Executive Fellowship Program. FUSE is a national nonprofit that partners with cities and counties to craft new policies, initiate new public services and improve existing programs.

North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission: Justice Reinvestment Act Implementation Evaluation Report (2017)

In 2011, the North Carolina General Assembly directed the Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission (Sentencing Commission) and the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice (DACJJ) of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to jointly conduct ongoing evaluations regarding the implementation of the Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA). This report constitutes the sixth report in compliance with the directive.

New Jersey Courts - Criminal Justice Reform Information Center Website

Welcome to the Criminal Justice Reform Information Center. Here you will find information related to the efforts of the Judiciary and its criminal justice reform partners in state, county and municipal government to implement bail and speedy trial reform and to form a pretrial services unit.

New York State - Criminal Justice Reform Website

In New York, Governor Cuomo has taken bold actions to modernize the criminal justice system and ensure that it treats everyone fairly.

After persistent efforts by the Governor for years, in April 2017, New York finally righted a long standing injustice by raising the age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18 years of age. This reform aligned New York with 48 other states and will ensure that youth receive the evidence-based treatment they need to lead productive lives.

Oklahoma Justice Reform Task Force Final Report (2017)

While Oklahoma’s imprisonment rate is the second highest in the nation, Oklahoma’s challenges with long-term prison growth are not unique. Across the country, state prison populations expanded rapidly starting in the early 1970s, and state officials have spent an increasing share of taxpayer dollars to keep pace with soaring prison costs. From the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s, spending on corrections was the second-fastest growing state budget category, behind only Medicaid. Nationally, in 2015, 1 in 15 state general fund dollars went to corrections.

H.R.5682 - FIRST STEP Act (2018)

Passed House amended (05/22/2018)
Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act or the FIRST STEP Act


(Sec. 101) This bill amends the federal criminal code to direct the Department of Justice to establish a risk and needs assessment system to assess and classify the recidivism risk of prisoners; to guide housing, grouping, and program assignments; and to incentivize and reward participation in and completion of recidivism reduction programs and productive activities.

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