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An examination of juvenile sex offenders in the Illinois juvenile justice system (2017)

Juveniles adjudicated delinquent for a sex offense can result in lifelong consequences, including sex offender registration. Further, there can be repercussions financially, emotionally, and socially for a juvenile and his/her family that extend throughout the individual’s life. Given the potential negative impact of sex offender registration, it is important to understand the implications of the registry within the larger context of youth development and juvenile justice.

Reducing Harms to Boys and Young Men of Color from Criminal Justice System Involvement (2015)

Boys and young men of color are overrepresented in all aspects of the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems, at considerable cost to those involved, their families, and their communities. This overrepresentation is most acute for African Americans, although other communities of color are also affected. This paper reviews systemic, institutional, and community policies and practices that greatly impact the life chances of boys and young men of color (website).

Repairing the Breach: A Brief History of Youth of Color in the Justice System (2015)

This publication covers: the period of first contact and youth of color; the clash over family structure with Northern tribes; Black child during the early settlement period; the industrial Age and youth of color; detention centers for youth are created, excluding Blacks; parens patriae arrives; John Augustus and alternatives to incarceration; the antebellum South and Black children; tribal families and boarding schools; the juvenile court era and youth of color; Latinos and youth justice; school discipline, youth justice, and youth of color; and equity as the preferred strategy.

Unbalanced Youth Justice (2018)

To help you better understand racial and ethnic disparities and how juvenile justice is being administered in your county, state, and nationwide, BI's interactive tools provide customizable searches. There are five interactive combination maps/trend charts/count charts.

Identifying Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems through Data Collection [Webinar] (2016)

This [90 minute] webinar discusses how data can be used to help identify racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile and criminal justice systems, determine the best course of action to address disparities, and track progress toward reduction goals. Webinar participants learn about national trends, as well as how data can be collected and analyzed. They will also hear about one jurisdiction’s experience [Pierce County Juvenile Court] using data to enhance policies and practices that reduced disparities (website).

The Racial and Ethnic Disparities Reduction Practice Manual (2016)

This Practice Manual [the RED Practice Manual] is an effort to provide practical, concrete strategies for jurisdictions to use to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in their juvenile justice systems. The Practice Manual covers the key decision points in the juvenile justice system, from arrest to re-entry into the community after state commitment.

Unjust: LGBTQ Youth Incarcerated in the Juvenile Justice System (2017)

This report and graphical executive summary examines how LGBTQ youth who are incarcerated in juvenile detention and correctional facilities face bias in adjudication, and mistreatment and abuse in confinement facilities. LGBTQ youth also lack supportive services when leaving the criminal and juvenile justice systems, often forcing them back into negative interactions with law enforcement.

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