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Jails Resources

At the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), we're committed to supporting those who work in jails with the latest resources and information. That's why we've created a page dedicated to Jails professionals, designed to provide you with insightful information and support you need to excel in your role.

This page is a comprehensive resource hub, filled with research articles, best practices, and training materials to help you tackle the unique challenges of working in a jail environment. We understand that your role can be tough, so we've put together a wide range of resources to help you address issues like managing inmates with mental and behavioral health issues, developing effective staff training programs, and conducting security audits.

In addition to our wealth of resources, we also offer a range of training opportunities specifically for jail professionals. Our training programs are developed with leading experts in the field and are designed to help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends, best practices, and research in the corrections field.

At NIC, we're committed to providing jail professionals with the support and resources they need to succeed. We encourage you to explore the resources below, take advantage of our training, and let us know if there's anything else we can do to help you excel in your role. We're always here to help and support you!

How can Technical Assistance help my Jail?

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) offers technical assistance to jails and correctional organizations to help them address complex issues and achieve their goals. Our National Programs Advisors can provide customized support to address your organization's specific needs, whether it's developing effective staff training programs, improving inmate outcomes, or implementing evidence-based practices. Our technical assistance services are tailored to your unique circumstances, and our team will work collaboratively with you to help you achieve your desired outcomes.

With NIC's technical assistance, you'll have the support you need to overcome challenges and build a stronger, more effective organization.

What is an example of Technical Assistance for Jails?

in 2016, NIC partnered with the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office (OPSO) in New Orleans, Louisiana. The OPSO faced challenges related to staffing shortages, inmate classification, and limited mental health services. NIC provided technical assistance by conducting a comprehensive review of the jail's policies and practices, facilitating a staff training program on effective communication with inmates, and providing ongoing support for the development and implementation of new programs.

As a result of the technical assistance provided by NIC, the OPSO was able to improve staffing levels, enhance inmate classification practices, and expand mental health services.

Apply for NIC Technical Assistance

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