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This page is designed to provide quick and easy access to the resources and information that our users find most valuable.

Our most searched and most popular content covers a wide range of areas, from leadership and performance to offender programming and reentry. We have resources on topics such as PREA, Thinking for a Change, staff wellness, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and learning. We also have information on emerging trends and best practices in corrections.

Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned professional, NIC has the resources to support your growth and development.

How can Technical Assistance from NIC help my organization?

NIC technical assistance provides a range of services designed to help corrections agencies succeed. From training and mentoring to on-site assistance and program implementation, NIC's technical assistance experts have the experience and expertise to help agencies address their unique challenges and achieve their goals. Technical assistance can help agencies improve staff training and development, enhance offender programming, and implement evidence-based practices. NIC technical assistance also offers support for emerging trends and issues in corrections, including staff wellness, diversity, equity, and inclusion. With NIC technical assistance, corrections agencies can access the resources and expertise they need to improve operations, enhance outcomes, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of staff and offenders.

What is an example of NIC's Technical Assistance?

In 2020, NIC provided technical assistance to the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) to improve the agency's reentry programming. Through a comprehensive needs assessment and consultation with ADOC staff, NIC experts helped the agency identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance reentry services for offenders. The technical assistance included staff training and development, program implementation, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. As a result of this technical assistance, ADOC was able to improve the quality and effectiveness of its reentry programming and better support the successful reintegration of offenders into their communities.

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Corrections Stress refers to the emotional challenges faced by correctional personnel and the potentially cumulative negative side effects of what staff experience through daily interactions with justice-involved individuals and immersion in uniquely challenging workplace conditions.

For additional information, trainings and materials on this NIC Project go to: Health and Wellness

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a picture of communal bathroom stalls in a corrections unit
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a picture of students in an N I C classroom

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