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Resources for Pretrial Professionals

This content has been compiled to answer the biggest needs and highlight resources for Pretrial professionals and their agencies. This includes pretrial officers, risk assessment specialists, counselors and therapists, administrators and managers, and data analysts. Our goal is to provide a singular page that can be bookmarked and returned to whenever a pretrial specialist wants to fix, fortify, or evolve something in their program or agency.

How can Technical Assistance help my Pretrial organization?

  1. Providing guidance on best practices: TA can help a pretrial corrections agency stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in the field, and provide guidance on how to implement these practices in your agency.
  2. Assisting with program design and implementation: TA can help a pretrial corrections agency design and implement new programs or initiatives, such as risk assessment tools or rehabilitation programs for pretrial defendants.
  3. Offering training and professional development opportunities: TA can provide training and professional development opportunities for staff, helping them to build the skills and knowledge needed to effectively serve your agency's clients.
  4. Providing support for data collection and analysis: TA can assist with the collection and analysis of data, which can help your agency track its performance and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Facilitating the development of partnerships and collaborations: TA can help your pretrial corrections agency forge partnerships and collaborations with other organizations or agencies, which can help to improve the agency's services and resources.

What is an example of Pretrial Technical Assistance?

When the NIC provided Technical Assistance to the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia, it helped improve the agency's risk assessment practices and implement a new risk assessment tool.

Specifically, the NIC provided training and professional development opportunities for agency staff on the use of the new tool, and worked with the agency to develop policies and procedures related to its use. The NIC also provided guidance on data collection and analysis, helping the agency track its performance and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, the technical assistance provided by the NIC helped the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia to more effectively assess the risk levels of pretrial defendants and make more informed decisions about release and supervision. This ultimately helped to improve the agency's operations and better serve its clients.

Apply for NIC Technical Assistance

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