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Resources for Probation Professionals

As a probation professional, you are well aware of the important role that probation plays in the US criminal justice system. Officers are responsible for ensuring that individuals on probation comply with the conditions of their sentence, including regular meetings, participating in rehabilitation programs, and staying out of further legal trouble.

This page is designed to provide you with the resources you need to succeed in your work. We offer a variety of streaming videos, publications, and resource links to help probation officers stay informed about the best practices and research in the field. Whether you're looking for information on risk assessment, supervision strategies, or program evaluation, we have the resources you need to help your clients succeed. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to help you achieve your goals as probation professional and support your clients in the best way possible.

How can Technical Assistance help my Probation organization?

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is a federal agency that provides technical assistance to a wide range of criminal justice organizations, including probation agencies. Some examples of how the NIC can provide technical assistance to a probation agency include:

  • NIC offers training and professional development opportunities: We can provide training and professional development opportunities for probation staff, helping your agency build the skills and knowledge needed to effectively serve clients and achieve your agency's goals. This might include training on topics such as risk assessment, supervision strategies, and program evaluation.
  • NIC provides guidance on best practices: We help probation agencies stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in the field, and provide guidance on how to implement these practices in their agency. This might include sharing information on evidence-based practices, or providing guidance on how to implement new programs or initiatives.
  • NIC assists with program design and implementation: We can help probation agencies design and implement new programs or initiatives, such as risk assessment tools or rehabilitation programs for individuals on probation. This might include providing guidance on how to develop policies and procedures, or providing support for data collection and analysis to help the agency track its performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • NIC facilitates the development of partnerships and collaborations: NIC actively maintains connections throughout the industry. We can help your program forge partnerships and collaborations with other organizations or agencies, which can help to improve your services and resources.

Overall, the NIC's technical assistance can help probation agencies to be more effective and efficient in their operations and improve the services provided to the clients on probation and the community.

What is an example of Probation Technical Assistance?

One hypothetical example of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) providing technical assistance to a probation organization would be a case where a large state-level probation agency needs help improving their supervision practices. The agency has an high number of probationers that are returning to custody, and is looking for ways to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for probationers under their supervision.

The NIC provides training and professional development opportunities for agency staff on best practices for probation supervision, focusing on strategies such as motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy. NIC also provides guidance on data collection and analysis, helping the agency track its performance and identify areas for improvement. In addition, NIC can facilitate the development of partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and agencies, such as local service providers, to expand the resources available to the probationers under the agency's supervision.

As a result of the NIC's technical assistance, the agency is able to improve their supervision practices and reduce recidivism among probationers. The outcomes for probationers under the agency's supervision would be improved and public safety is raised in the community.

Apply for NIC Technical Assistance

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