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NIC resources for the National Sheriff's Association (NSA)

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This is the resources page to support the National Sheriff's Association Conference.

This page gives you direct access to all our conference resources and helps you find the things we reference in our chatroom and videos easier.

NIC is looking forward to connecting with all of our friends at this conference. The recommended resources below include everything we will have at the conference. 

Highlighted Publications
NIC has created a collection of resources that set standards and win awards in the field of corrections. These guides, reference manuals, and training materials are useful to all corrections professionals from agencies big and small. Explore our library of publications and streaming content to find solutions to the problems your facility is facing.
Related Webinars and Broadcasts
NIC has created a number of streaming webinars and longer broadcast segments that cover key corrections topics.
broadcast cover for No News Is NOT Good News: The Role of PIOs in Jails [Internet Broadcast]
Accession Number

Public Information Officers (PIOs) play a vital role in the local jail. The public’s perception and/or misperception of jail operations can influence public safety, funding, elections, and numerous other factors. Responding to media inquiries regarding crisis situations is just one of the many roles

Amount in Stock
document cover for Jails in America: A Report on Podular Direct Supervision
Accession Number

This video is an excellent introduction to the use of podular direct supervision. Topics discussed include: the three types of jails in the United States-linear intermittent surveillance, podular remote surveillance, and podular direct supervision; the eight key principles of direct supervision

The cover slide for prescription drugs of abuse and misuse in jails and prisons webinar
Accession Number

Are you and your agency knowledgeable of commonly abused and/or misused prescription medications in correctional settings? Have you considered prescription drugs which can be used as weapons?

If you are interested in learning from pharmacists from the largest correctional system in the United States

National Institute of Corrections Team
Deputy Director
National Institute of Corrections

Holly Busby has a diverse career in criminal justice and social service spanning more than 30 years. She is the Deputy Director of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), a federal agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. NIC is a leader in the field of criminal justice, providing innovative training, technical assistance, and information services to federal, state, tribal and local corrections agencies as well as public policymakers. In her current role, Holly oversees NIC’s portfolio of national programs and public outreach, and she leads NIC’s team of executives representing the NIC Jails, Prisons, Community Services, Academy, Financial Management, and Administration Divisions as well as communications staff. Holly is responsible for the management of NIC internal operations and is further involved in the strategic development, finance, and stakeholder relations of the agency.

Holly previously served as Chief of the NIC Community Services Division, which focuses on pretrial, probation, and parole. Holly, along with her exceptional team of National Programs Advisors, worked together to develop innovative projects to enhance correctional practice throughout the country. Some of those projects included Evidence-Based Decision Making, Pretrial Justice and Front End Interventions, the Parole Structured Decision Making Framework, Dosage Probation, Supporting and Facilitating Behavior Change, Justice-Involved Veterans, and Community Supervision Staff Health and Wellness. Prior to serving as Chief, Holly was a National Programs Advisor leading NIC’s Thinking For a Change Initiative and Facilitating Leadership Development Programs for the NIC Academy Division.

Before joining NIC, Holly worked as a Program Manager with Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted (DFO) County Community Corrections in Rochester, MN. In that capacity, she was responsible for the supervision of the Corrections Probation, Supervised Release, Intensive Supervised Release, and Adult Sex Offense Supervision Units. Prior to becoming a manager with DFO Community Corrections, Holly served as a Senior Probation Agent, during which time she supervised various populations, including juveniles and adults convicted of sexual and domestic violence offenses, as well as individuals on intensive supervised release. Holly was a driving force behind the shift to evidence-based practices (EBP) in her agency, advocating for increased and ongoing trainings in motivational interviewing, case planning, level of service/case management inventory risk assessment, as well as population-specific trainings to keep direct supervision agents at the forefront of EBP.

Holly is a former Licensed Peace Officer through the State of Minnesota’s Post Board and worked in the patrol and civil/warrants divisions of the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Department. She also served as a certified DARE Officer. Holly has worked as a Victim Services Social Worker with DFO County Community Corrections serving as a Crime Victim’s Advocate, Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor and the Coordinator of the Victim Services Volunteer Program. Prior to that, Holly was a Child Protection Specialist with Dodge County Human Services, licensed through the State of Minnesota’s Board of Social Work.

Jails Division
National Institute of Corrections

Stephen Amos is the Jails Division’s Chief at the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), U.S. Department of Justice, a post he has held for over five years. He is an accomplished public safety executive with more than three decades of broad success in crafting and delivering sustainable correctional capacity and innovative public policy throughout the United States and Afghanistan. His expertise includes crisis leadership, change management, technical assistance and training, strategic planning, and cost containment. He is a contributor to numerous publications and the subject matter expert of a bestseller, The Art of Crisis Leadership. He holds a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement and Correctional Administration. 

Mr. Amos is responsible for the management and supervision of the NIC Jails Division. These responsibilities include program planning and policy development, cooperative agreements and contract administration, personnel and fiscal management, technology utilization and program evaluation, professional contacts with national state and local agencies and organizations, and contacts with the media and public.

National Programs Advisor
Jails Division
National Institute of Corrections

Glenn Watson is a National Programs Advisor in the Jails Division of the National Institute of Corrections. Prior to joining NIC more than nine years ago, Glenn spent over twenty-one years as a U.S. Marine in the corrections field. His last post in the military prior to retirement was Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps correctional facility on Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. At NIC, Glenn oversees and actively participates in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of resources to enhance the corrections field. He currently manages the Jail Division's Staffing Analysis and Restrictive Housing programs, as well as the National Sheriffs' Institute.

National Programs Advisor
Jails Division
National Institute of Corrections

Frequently Asked Questions NIC receives about Conferences

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