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Put me in Coach! I'm Ready to Play: A Practical Approach to Building and Training a Coaching Framework for Your Organization

This session is designed to introduce the Learning and Professional coach training developed by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). The Learning and Performance Coach is a 36-hour hybrid training program focused on contemporary learning and performance knowledge and skills used to prepare and deliver coaching programs. This is an extension of the Field Training Officer (FTO) On the Job (OJT) training program previously offered by NIC. This hybrid program comprises three virtual instructor-led classes, all three hours in length using NIC’s virtual platform; two 8-hour in-person class days; and eleven hours of pre-session and inter-session work completed by participants. The program targets the importance of building and using effective on-the-job coaching techniques. Throughout the course, participants will learn about new roles that Learning and Performance Coaches are playing in their organizations’ success and gain new or updated ideas and skills for facilitating others’ learning.


    Jeffrey Hadnot 
    Academy chief, National Institute of Corrections Information Center 
    Jeff Hadnot began his career at the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) in 2014 as the Academy Division chief in Aurora, Colorado. Mr. Hadnot currently oversees the learning and performance, leadership, and cognitive behavioral initiatives at NIC, as well as the NIC Information Center and website. Mr. Hadnot also currently presides as the Federal Corrections Director on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Correctional Training Personnel (IACTP). Prior to NIC, Mr. Hadnot held the following positions at the Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar (NAVCONBRIG Miramar): programs & industry director (2012-2014), training director (2011-2012), and vocational director (2007-2011) and led the Canine Companions for Independence dog training program. While at NAVCONBRIG Miramar, Mr. Hadnot established accredited industry programs and helped the brig obtain certification in National Center for Construction Education and Research as an Accredited Training Sponsor. Before joining NAVCONBRIG, Mr. Hadnot served 9 years in the U.S. Navy aboard USS Lake Champlain CG-57 as a sonar technician and at Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center as an instructor, instructor evaluator, and a master trainer. Mr. Hadnot holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration, a master’s degree in Forensic Sciences, and a master’s degree in human resource management. In his spare time, Mr. Hadnot enjoys rebuilding Volkswagens and hiking, fishing, and hunting across Colorado.
    Jeff Hanson 
    National Program Advisor, National Institute of Corrections 
    Jeff began his career in 1984 as a pre-sentence investigator with the Oregon Department of Corrections. During his thirty five-year career, Mr. Hanson held positions as a parole/probation officer, correctional counselor, security threat group manager, intake supervisor, and operations and policy analyst. Mr. Hanson retired from the Oregon Department of Corrections in October 2023. He joined the National Institute of Corrections in October 2023 as a national programs advisor. Jeff’s portfolio includes Correctional Communications Administrator training, Safety Matters training, and Learning and Performance coaching.
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