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Veteran Intercepts in the Criminal Justice System Webinar Series: Intercepts 2-3

Develop a better understanding of the Veteran Sequential Intercept Model (V-SIM) and the intervention strategies and resources available at intercepts 2-3 with this upcoming webinar. This webinar is part three of NIC’s four-part series on veteran intercepts in the criminal justice system highlighting programmatic efforts in jails and the courts for justice-involved veterans. Veterans transitioning from the military to civilian life may have unique underlying conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and other veteran-specific mental health and substance-use concerns. These veterans overrepresent for the latter two diagnoses compared to the U.S. general population. The V-SIM delineates interventions at distinct stages of the criminal justice system that have been recognized to assist in addressing the underlying needs of veterans with service-related mental health and substance-use issues.

The goals of V-SIM intercepts 2-3 and this webinar are to offer solutions to preventing veterans from having further involvement in the justice system through early identification of their veteran status in the booking and arraignment process, implementation of best practices with sentencing guidelines, and thoughtful consideration of mitigating factors for veterans.

If veterans with mental health and substance-use concerns get involved with the criminal justice system, it can result in complex and challenging situations that further complicate their path to recovery. However, agencies that recognize the distinctive qualities associated with military service and the abundant resources available to those who have served can significantly foster future success for veterans and may help prevent their further involvement in the justice system. This webinar will provide a brief overview of the V-SIM along with deeper dives into intercepts 2-3.

Learning Objectives

During this 90-minute interactive webinar, participants will:

  • Receive an introduction and overview of the V-SIM, take a closer look at intercepts 2-3, and introduce jail and court programming specific for veterans.
  • Learn about the intent and purpose of the V-SIM along with strategies and examples of what success looks like at intercepts 2-3.
  • Gain an understanding of the most current veteran-specific resources available to communities and criminal justice agencies at intercepts 2-3.

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Who Should Attend?

Any employee, peer, or community-based provider working with federal, state, local, or tribal correctional jurisdictions who are routinely involved in direct interaction with justice-involved veterans as part of their title or function.


  • Randall Liberty, Department of Corrections Commissioner, Maine
  • Malik Muhammad, Major, Orange County Corrections Department, Florida
  • Honorable Judge Michael Jackson (ret)Veterans Treatment Court, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
  • Scott Tirocchi, Major (ret), U.S. Army, Division Director, Justice For Vet
  • Katie Stewart, National Coordinator, Veterans Justice Outreach, U.S. Department of Veterans Affair
  • Gregory Crawford, Correctional Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections

Who do I Contact for More Information 

  • Greg Crawford, Correctional Program Specialist, Community Services Division, National Institute of Corrections

How Do I Participate Effectively In a WebEx Event Center Webinar? How Do I Get Ready?

To attend an NIC WebEx Event Center webinar, you need a hands-free telephone, headset or earbuds, and an internet-enabled computer. For optimum learning, be in a quiet place, free from distractions / interruptions, sight-and sound separated from others, where you can concentrate on what is happening during the webinar. A separate office space with a door to close is an ideal setting. Connect to the webinar audio bridge via a hands-free telephone, using earbuds / headset connected to your phone / cell phone so your hands are free to interact with your keyboard. Test your computer system compatibility prior to the webinar here This is a quick test, and we strongly encourage you do this prior to February 19, 2020. If your browser does not pass the test, contact Webex Technical Support at 1-877-669-1782 and tell them you will be attending an NIC webinar on NIC's Webex site at They can help you troubleshoot connectivity issues. NIC recommends consulting with agency / Local IT, as you may encounter pop-up blocking and/or firewall issues that block the NIC Webex webinar url. NIC WebEx webinar sessions are not compatible with smartphones. NIC recommends you connect to the webinar session on a desktop computer, laptop, or a tablet computer.

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