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Gender-Responsive Summit

On May 31–June 2, 2023, NIC brought researchers, practitioners, community stakeholders and service providers together to review and reflect on current information and resources related to gender-responsive approaches in corrections and explore what new resources are needed. Attendees were encouraged to present findings on the present state of gender-responsive corrections and to provide NIC with feedback about the direction that its future work in this area might take over the next 3–5 years. Questions explored during the meeting included the following:

  • How do you assess the state of current practice about gender-responsive management and services for justice-involved women?
  • What are recent developments and emerging issues (including public policy changes) that affect women involved with the criminal justice system and what are effective corrections responses to them?
  • What products/services should NIC revise, update, or add?
  • What else can NIC do to institutionalize change regarding working with women affected by the criminal justice system?

The meeting resulted in an action plan to guide NIC’s work focused on gender-responsive corrections moving forward and plans for the development of a Gender-Responsive Network.

Since the late 1980s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), in collaboration with external partners, has been formulating assistance strategies to address the needs of women in the criminal justice system. These strategy were built on developing research and knowledge in relevant areas, creating strategically focused training, and sharing information with the field. The results of those efforts are the range of activities and products about justice-involved women and gender-responsive approaches to corrections that NIC has been providing to corrections staff throughout the correctional continuum since the project began.

As correctional practice continues to evolve, NIC aims to ensure the ongoing delivery of the most effective and humane management of justice-involved women that is currently possible and to further attend to the reduction of crime in communities and recidivism among justice-involved women.

a group picture of an NIC training class