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NIC Meets with Rwandan Delegation

On October 30, 2024, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) hosted representatives from Rwanda and international justice reform organizations to discuss solutions to reentry that address the thousands of incarcerated people scheduled to return to their communities following their involvement in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Approximately 2,000 people are scheduled for release in the next 6 months.

The Rwandan government and community organizations are partnering now to ready programs and resources that will help both those who perpetrated crimes and those who were victim to it during the Rwandan war. In search of information about how to facilitate successful reconciliation and reentry, they reached out to NIC for assistance. The Transition from Jail to Community Toolkit along with information about victim offender dialogue and how to establish a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council were among the resources that NIC provided.

Attending the meeting were representatives from Good News Rwanda, CURE, the DC Corrections Information Council, Rehabilitation through the Arts, and Welcome Home. NIC executives and staff were joined by the administrator of the Federal Bureau of Prisons chaplaincy to offer subject matter expertise.

NIC Meets with Rwandan Delegation