This report is a great resource for those people looking for ideas on how to reduce statewide recidivism. It is highly worthwhile due to its data being current, coming from a diverse group of states, and showing that states can significantly reduce their recidivism rates. The statistics presented in this publication come from eight states - Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Wisconsin. A section is provided for each state that shows the degree to which recidivism has decreased and the strategies used by the state to achieve this reduction. Topics also covered include: comparing recidivism rates between states; certain practices that reduce recidivism; using a justice reinvestment approach; whether a decline in reincarceration rates are associated with increased public safety; tracking and reporting recidivism; the Second Chance Act-investing in program innovation and system-level change; and the remarkable reduction of recidivism in California.