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Toward Evidence-Based Decision Making in Community Corrections: Research and Strategies for Successful Implementation

This publication features invited articles focusing on community corrections, with a notable emphasis on successful implementation strategies. Central to these articles is the importance of fidelity to evidence-based practices in community supervision and treatment. Authors share research and implementation strategies to guide agency and program administrators in integrating evidence-based practices. Articles include 'Current Practice and Challenges in Evidence-Based Community Corrections' by Stephen M. Haas, along with reviews such as 'STICS: From Pilot Project to Wide-Scale Implementation,' 'Motivational Interviewing Proficiency in Corrections,' 'Ohio Youth Assessment System - Creation, Validation, and Implementation,' 'Actuarial Risk/Need Assessment and Its Effect on Supervision Revocation,' and 'Establishing the Proper Risk-Dosage Relationship.' Each review elucidates the purpose, methodology, findings, and policy implications of the study. Additionally, two review essays are included: 'Review Essay: Implementing EBP in Community Corrections,' exploring effective strategies, EBP models, planned change, and dosage, and 'Review Essay: Moving Implementation of EBP Forward,' addressing challenges in implementing EBPs in community corrections programming.