Prevention and intervention services (mental health, child welfare, and juvenile justice) provided to children and juveniles are inventoried. These programs are primarily evidence-based and research-based and offered in a culturally competent way. "The definitions developed for evidence-based and research-based are high standards of rigor and represent programs that demonstrate effectiveness at achieving certain outcomes ... To assemble the inventory, we operationalize each criterion for both the current law definitions for children as well as the suggested definitions of evidence-based and research-based ... [In addition] the WSIPP benefit-cost model is used to determine whether a program meets the benefit-cost criterion by testing the probability that benefits exceed costs. Programs that do not achieve at least a 75% chance of a positive net present value do not meet the benefit-cost test" (p. 1). The Report explains any changes to the inventory since January 2014. The Inventory shows: budget area-child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, general prevention, and substance abuse; program/intervention; manual; current law definitions-evidence-based, research-based, promising practice; suggested definitions-evidence-based, research-based, and promising practice; cost-beneficial; reason practice does not meet suggested evidence-based criteria-benefit-cost, heterogeneity, mixed results, program cost, single evaluation, and weight of evidence; and percent minority.