“The primary purpose of this white-paper is to provide a better understanding of the corrections domain and the value of the vast amount of information available.
This white paper emphasizes the overall value of corrections Information, including: Why you should be interested (Why); The stakeholders and individuals that will benefit from corrections information (Who); The major events that trigger information exchanges (When); The specific information elements that are often requested for information sharing (What); and, The attention to how the information can be shared identifying both the major corrections information sources, as well as major national initiatives supporting the further exchange of information (How)” (p. 1).
Sections comprising this publication include: introduction; what corrections is and why share corrections information; who will benefit from corrections information exchange-internal participants, trusted partners, and external participants; understanding corrections information; how corrections information can be exchanged-enterprise business services, and national standards such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model), GRA (Global Reference Architecture), and Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM); recommendations; conclusion; and appendixes of use cases demonstrating value-gang information, and law enforcement-corrections communications concerning non-gang related issues.